Storm watch: First Monday update

Hope you are able to stay home and stay safe on this Veterans’ Day just in case the wind does indeed kick up as the forecast suggests: High Wind Watch up from 10 am-4 pm in the metro area (latest forecast here), right now projecting south wind 30-40 miles per hour during that time with possible gusts to 60. There’s been a power outage already, according to the city’s updated list (link here): described as fewer than 100 customers, North-South boundaries are Edmunds to Brandon, East-West is Beach Drive to 49th, start time 5 am. Let us know what’s happening where you are as the day goes on – photos welcome too. 8:45 AM ADDENDUM: Greg sends this link for current wind speed at Alki Point (usually the gustiest in WS). 10:10 AM UPDATE: The power outage link above no longer lists any West Seattle outages; an extensive Burien outage from earlier is described as “100% restored.” Timely reminder — this Thursday night, the city has a SNAP (Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare) class at Alki Community Center, 7 pm, with lots more info to help you get ready for power outages, earthquakes, you name it (read more here).

5 Replies to "Storm watch: First Monday update"

  • The Velvet Bulldog November 12, 2007 (8:54 am)

    Lost power at some point during the night down by Alki Congregational Church. Unfortunately, my cat woke me up to let him out so I didn’t get to sleep in…

  • Lou November 12, 2007 (9:24 am)

    FYI, it’s a high wind warning now. No longer a watch.

  • Sue November 12, 2007 (9:45 am)

    The City Light link now says everything is 100% restored – let’s hope any other outages are taken care of that fast.

  • Lou's Wife November 12, 2007 (12:15 pm)

    We finally got all of our shingles replaced on the roof from the last few storms. Sigh.

  • Jiggers November 12, 2007 (3:26 pm)

    Woooohoooo!! Time to not watch the news from now on because all they talk about is bad weather. I think we know that already…

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