Seal survivor gets a name

Brenda Peterson of the Seal Sitters sent us an update on the seal caught in a dangerous situation before a heroic rescue last night. If you would like to volunteer, e-mail us (please be sure to include your phone #, which will be used for no other purpose than forwarding to Brenda):

The same small pup is back on the beach today and resting now that the audio tape is untangled from his back flipper. We have named this pup Singer, because of the rather poignant audio connection that we are grateful will no longer harm him. He is still underweight, which means he may be getting weaned and just learning to fish for himself. There are a few seal sitters there but we always need more volunteers to send us a note with their phone numbers. Thanks!

8 Replies to "Seal survivor gets a name"

  • Velvet Bulldog September 25, 2007 (8:39 pm)

    If they need to raise money, why don’t they sell naming opportunities to businesses like all our stadiums and events do? Let’s see, there could be Chuck & Sally’s Seal, Liberty Seal, Skylark Seal, Cactus Seal, Spanky’s(!) Seal and of course…Starbucks Seal.

  • *t* September 25, 2007 (9:17 pm)

    Not to mention Pajama Blogger Jihadist seal.

  • miws September 25, 2007 (10:32 pm)

    I dunno if they’d even consider it, being in White Center rather than Wesseattle, but if Croft Rentals decided to sponsor, the little guy could be named “Croft Seal”.


  • rs September 26, 2007 (6:19 am)

    And of course in october, Ama-Ama seal…

  • westseattleite September 26, 2007 (8:45 am)

    Did anyone watch NW Evening Magazine last night?They had a story about the seal sitters on. I have to admit there was one part where they were chastising a driver on the road for being too loud and they came across as kind of annoying. I think they need to do some more local education rather than yell at drivers on the road.

  • herongrrrl September 26, 2007 (4:06 pm)

    I can’t believe no one has suggested Mars Seal yet…

  • miws September 26, 2007 (5:04 pm)

    Yes! I saw evening Magazine last night.

    I had no clue ahead of time the the seal sitters would be featured, so when John Curley mentioned in his top of the show intro, and the way the stories were presented, I thought that story would be the last, or near the last segment, so I started to e-mail WSB hoping they would be online at that time, and could catch it, sadly though, it aired during the first segment, so I cancelled the e-m figuring by the time WSB read it, it would be too late. :(


  • WSB September 26, 2007 (6:01 pm)

    Actually Brenda had mentioned in her e-mail to us that they believed they were going to be on Evening Magazine last night. By the time we got around to posting, there wasn’t much lead time, so we thought we would wait and see if the segment was posted online. I’m not seeing it on their website. Meanwhile, stand by, we just got some great baby seal photos from photographer par excellence Christopher Boffoli, will be posting shortly …

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