Brevity can equal levity

This reminds us that Seattle Public Schools had sent around a press release recently mentioning that just-retired assistant principal Nels Enquist from Chief Sealth HS will be honored as a “Distinguished Principal” at next month’s Association of Washington School Principals conference. But CSHS might want to add a letter or two to this tribute spotted on the school’s marquee this morning:


13 Replies to "Brevity can equal levity"

  • Jan September 25, 2007 (9:23 am)


  • Soupytwist September 25, 2007 (9:28 am)

    If he can stand to be the butt of a joke, he must be a pretty good principal.

  • Venkat September 25, 2007 (10:21 am)

    Brevity is the soul of wit! I hate to throw the quote around, but the headline screamed it.

  • flipjack September 25, 2007 (10:58 am)

    good one.:-)

  • LyndaB September 25, 2007 (12:06 pm)

    Oh, that’s really good.

  • Angela September 25, 2007 (1:49 pm)


  • add September 25, 2007 (3:38 pm)

    Were George and Harold in charge of the readerboard? (nod to Capt. Underpants)

  • Forest September 25, 2007 (6:06 pm)

    In the late 1970s, I worked in the production shop of Robinson Newspapers and came across a press release from a school about one of its evening classes that was to be held twice a week. I don’t remember if I stupidly called it to the attention of Tom R., the shop manager, or if a proofreader caught the typo before it went to press, but I regret every so often that it did not get published as submitted: “hell twice a week.”

  • Velvet Bulldog September 25, 2007 (7:15 pm)

    I always wanted a distinguished ass, but all I got was a prominent butt.

  • westseattledood September 26, 2007 (4:42 pm)

    How could I possibly have missed that sign when I entered the building Tuesday afternoon to tutor? Tutor in what you might wonder? Writing and English, would ya’ believe?

    Funny. Too, too funny.

  • Radley September 26, 2007 (8:23 pm)

    I believe that at some point today it changed to Asst. Principal. Too funny.

  • WSB September 26, 2007 (8:27 pm)

    thanks for the update … we didn’t get a chance today to go by and look … but we did e-mail the Chief Sealth principal as soon as we got the pic and posted this yesterday, to make sure he knew, in case nobody else had reported it.

  • Mags September 27, 2007 (6:10 am)

    The owner of the photo should send it to Jay Leno for his headlines piece.

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