day : 10/09/2007 10 results

While we’re talking pets …

September 10, 2007 9:05 pm
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 |   Pets | West Seattle businesses

Finally heard from Lady Di-Pet Chaperone regarding her plans as her current Admiral location (site of the 2310 Cali project) gets closer to demolition. She says she’s expecting to be able to stay there at least another 9 months, but is actively looking for someplace new.

Have you seen Hugo?

Haven’t run a lost-pet post in a while, but Hugo’s disappearance is an unusual case. His owners say housekeepers accidentally let him out today at their Upper Fauntleroy home, but he’s a fast runner and could be anywhere by now. No collar. He’s a “big whippet that looks like a greyhound,” as his heartbroken owners describe him, and they say he’s under treatment for cancer. If you see him, call April at 206-351-9756 or John at 206-954-2694. 8:42 PM UPDATE: Note in the comments says Hugo’s been found.



Reader recommendation requests: 2 new ones

FOOD: A simple question from a WSB reader — “is there ANY PLACE to get a GREAT sandwich around here?”

HOUSECLEANING: Another reader would love your recommendations for “good, reasonably priced” maid or housecleaning service in WS.

Don’t forget, you can check out all previous “reader recommendation” posts and replies here (reachable any time from the CATEGORIES list on the right side of the page.) We’re expanding that category by adding some popular past posts such as the now-famous “WS dishes to die for.”

Fauntleroy fire follow-up

A preliminary Fire Department report confirms the fire last night at the Endolyne Garden building in Fauntleroy started in the garage. That’s where most of the damage is confined so far as we could tell from stopping by for a look this morning (that’s ceiling material dangling down onto the cars):


The west-side entrance canopy for Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant also burned:


5:42 PM UPDATE: We have just been forwarded e-mail about the restaurant’s status — it was not damaged by the flames but was closed for today “to clear out the smell of smoke”; owners were considering opening on a limited basis tonight, but DEFINITELY plan to be fully open tomorrow so Guadalajara can participate as planned in the fundraiser for the Fauntleroy Fall Festival — as a sandwich board sign across the street from the restaurant reminds passers-by, a portion of tomorrow night’s proceeds from Guadalajara are to go toward next month’s festival.

Fine day for flying

Spotted from Delridge by Mike Dady (thanks for sending us the photo!) — this paraglider headed in the Camp Long/WS Golf Course direction this morning:


Anyone know where in WS they take off from? Web searching yielded nothing obvious.

Art at the firehouse

While working on last week’s update about preparations to build the new Fire Station 37 at 35th/Holden, we found out a Portland artist has been commissioned for a “public art project” at the new station. firesta37.jpgWe asked the artist, Pete Beeman, what that project will entail. He told us, “The selection was based on my past work and an interview, rather than on a specific proposal. So as yet there is no design. … It will probably be a freestanding iconic sculpture, separate from the fire station itself.” He added that once the contract is finalized, he will “come to Seattle and meet with the design team, hopefully spend some time at the existing station [our photo above], and possibly visit with some other interested parties. Those meetings will provide the parameters within which I will design the sculpture. That should be early October.” His site has photos of other projects he’s done.

At the scene of the last big WS fire

garrettphoto1.jpg… permit filings are now in to rebuild the “live-work units” project that went up in flames three weeks ago (4132 Cali; here’s the original plan), and to repair one of the damaged buildings next door (4138 Cali). The arsonist or arsonists, meanwhile, are still running free out there somewhere.

More Fauntleroy fire scene photos

September 10, 2007 2:06 am
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle fires | WS breaking news

These photographs just in from Christopher Boffoli show you more of what it was like at 45th/Wildwood at the height of the Fire Department response a short time ago:


Fire in Fauntleroy apartment/condo/restaurant building

September 10, 2007 1:07 am
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle fires | WS breaking news

All those sirens were for a fire at Endolyne Garden, the bright blue apt/condo building kitty-corner from the Original Bakery/Endolyne Joe’s business block — same building with Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant on the ground floor.


No, those aren’t flames in the center, just fire-truck lights — which lit up the night (along with the huge floodlight atop one of the biggest trucks) for blocks around. Witnesses we talked to say they saw flames, but fire crews got it out fast. The scanner report we heard earlier about a possible car fire being involved seemed borne out by this:


What you see there is smoke curling from some sort of smoldering wreckage just behind what’s left of the wall in front of the ground-floor garage, adjacent to the restaurant — we will check on its status first thing tomorrow. No ambulance/aid car activity while we were at the fire scene, so here’s hoping nobody got hurt.

Big fire callout

Sirens are piercing the early early morning air here on the south side of WS: it’s a call to a building at 9212 45th SW. Not sure yet how serious; one scanner report said there’s a possible car fire at the address. More to come.