day : 05/09/2007 5 results

Liberty limbo: Plaza organizers say they’re on hold

stofliblgo.jpgAs we reported last night, the recast Alki Statue of Liberty will debut at the beach next Tuesday night, and city leaders say they’re bringing word of more $ for a new plaza to surround the statue — but the Alki couple that surfaced the latest plaza plan this summer, Paul and Libby Carr, say their group is in what we might describe as Liberty limbo.

In the comment thread following last night’s post, we wondered aloud why the Carr group hadn’t even updated its relatively new website with developments such as the 9/11 event announcement. Paul Carr e-mailed us late today to explain:Read More

Artful Junction

Two artful displays on Junction buildings — first, we’ve been meaning to post this for a while in case you haven’t taken a close look — the finished renovations on the Junction Post Office Hi-Yu mural are just gorgeous:


There’s more art just about a block south, as the facade of Shadowland (in the ex-Neilsen Florist building) takes shape (thanks to Christopher Boffoli for these pix):



We asked Shadowland partner Joe about the artist who worked on those lovely touches along the overhang; he wrote back:

The artist working on the building is named Jaffey. He is a local West Seattle artist.  People keep thinking that he did some sort of a print to get that design on there.  Amazingly, he hand painted all of it. He has done signage at a lot of places in the neighborhood.

We also asked Joe to elaborate a little more on the plans for Shadowland’s menu. He says it will include some entree-sized dishes as well as the currently popular “small plates,” explaining:

The idea is that if you go out as a couple you would probably get two or three of them and share them with a glass of wine. I have found that I have really enjoyed places that offer that.  You get to try more things on the menu and it usually opens up conversation at the table.  It should give our chef some flexibility to allow the menu to change with what is available fresh that day and at the same time keep some of the customers’ favorites on the permanent menu.

In-depth look at Junction-based Skate Church

The Weekly looks behind the doors (beneath the WS Senior Center) of the Skate Church, wondering about the conservative evangelism beneath its alternative surface.

Another door-to-door concern

From the inbox (our supplementary research follows the reader’s e-mail):

I live on 45th Ave SW and had a young man dressed well approach the house requesting funds for Omni-Horizons. I told him I’m supportive of helping out community groups but wanted to do some quick research about the company to be sure I approved of the place I’d contribute money to. He said it wouldn’t help him and left.

I contacted the local police, and they said it had to be a crime before they could respond (i.e., because I didn’t give them money, I didn’t have a crime to report). I just want to make folks aware – can you help?

Here’s what we found out about “Omni-Horizons.” Read More

And so it begins

Today’s the day that Seattle Public Schools, and most local private schools, welcome everyone back after a too-short summer (aren’t they always?). Highlights from our online tour of WS public schools:Read More