You don’t have to drive 22 miles — like these Issaquah elementary-school kids spotted on a field trip this morning — for a low-tide walk at Constellation Park (p.s. looks like it’ll be even lower about this time tomorrow morning):

You don’t have to drive 22 miles — like these Issaquah elementary-school kids spotted on a field trip this morning — for a low-tide walk at Constellation Park (p.s. looks like it’ll be even lower about this time tomorrow morning):
That was today? Funny, my wife brought her class from Issaquah out to Alki a couple weeks back (which the kids love).
It’s the one day a year where there’s a remote possibility that she’s *not* glad to be living in West Seattle — 22 miles to work, 22 miles on a bus to Alki, 22 miles on a bus back to work, 22 miles to home. Lucky for her, she didn’t have to pay the visitor’s fee ;-)
Please remember, folks, if you visit the beach at low tide:
If you flip over a rock put it back gently as you found it, use wet hands to touch the critters you find, and leave animals where you find them instead of collecting in buckets or moving them around on the beach.
I’m an environmental educator who leads beachwalks on a regular basis, and every spring I see a HUGE amount of damage caused by large groups who leave rocks flipped over or relocate animals. WS beaches get a lot of heavy traffic this time of year. I have counted as many as 500 people on the beach at once at Constellation Park! Lincoln Park and Mee Kwa Mooks get lots of school groups, too.
West Seattle’s public shorelines are a really wonderful educational resource, which is why people come here all the way from Issaquah to visit them. But please, be gentle with our beaches when you visit. Thanks!
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