Semi-secret streets

Just when we thought we knew every square inch of West Seattle … sharp reminders that we don’t, not by a long shot. Drove out to look for something that somebody e-mailed us about; haven’t quite found it yet, but we did find incredible curving semi-secret streets on the bluffside over Beach Drive (such as 54th south of Genesee), stretches of road we never knew existed (Hillcrest to Andover north of Genesee is pretty wild too, especially the steep slope on Andover). Next time you’re bored with the same ol’ scenery, check ’em out (but not in a big car — they abruptly dead-end with driveways).

1 Reply to "Semi-secret streets"

  • eric February 26, 2007 (9:53 am)

    I know some great ones too… but I am not sharing – that’s why they are called “secret” :)

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