
What a great note to get — from a relatively “new” West Seattleite, who wanted to share the wonder of seeing a bald eagle flying over The Junction today. We still marvel at the sight ourselves, even after all these years; we get frequent flybys up here, but the most recent sighting to thrill us was down on Beach Drive, the last morning our power was out, when a friend with a killer view let us drop by and clean up … before we left, an eagle buzzed our pal’s balcony almost within touching distance. The unfortunate flip side of life for our local eagles is that seagulls and crows pester them to no end, as our e-mail correspondent noticed, writing that “two angry adult seagulls” were in pursuit of The Junction’s eagle. (Honestly, have you ever seen a seagull that didn’t look/sound ticked off about something?)

5 Replies to "Eagle-eyed"

  • MargL January 4, 2007 (8:13 pm)

    I didn’t realize we had Bald Eagles in WS until a couple years ago eating at Pepperdocks and seeing some guy crossing the street almost get dive bombed by one. We were surprised but I’m sure the guy was even more so.

  • nbp January 4, 2007 (9:35 pm)

    There is a bald eagle nest across the street from Salty’s on Alki (look up high). I checked a couple days ago and saw both eagles there… I was worried about them in the recent storm.

  • add January 4, 2007 (10:12 pm)

    We saw a big bald eagle enjoying the blue skies and sunshine on Sunday afternoon, perched in a tree at the crest of the part of California that heads down to Alki Beach. We stopped the car, got out, and enjoyed him for awhile, along with a passer-by with her camera! She said there were two there earlier – must be the ones who live near Salty’s. The kids loved it and so did we.

  • Jo January 5, 2007 (8:35 am)

    The two Eagles, Romero and Juliet, that are most often seen around Alki are the pair that nest across from Salty’s. Almost every day you can see one or both sitting in the large tree across from the old Alki Market (now Cactus). Next time you go by there, look up. I can see them in that tree from my living room window, and I still get excited every time.

  • JJ January 7, 2007 (9:32 am)

    Osprey too! I once saw an Osprey with a fish in its talons while I was driving up Erskine, not too far from 7-11.

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