While we’re talking history …

Cool feature in my favorite part of the Sunday Times (Now & Then): a whimsical structure that once stood in the back yard of a north-of-Admiral WS home, when it belonged to the founder of the downtown waterfront’s legendary Ye Olde Curiosity Shop. (As they say … who knew?)

3 Replies to "While we're talking history ..."

  • Ms_F November 14, 2006 (6:54 pm)

    Since you didn’t mention it, also in Sunday’s paper, our very own North Admiral district was profiled. I don’t recall my new neighbors giving me any vegan cookies when I moved in, though: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/realestate/2003393092_realneighborhood12.html.

  • Erik Walum November 15, 2006 (2:19 pm)

    Well, I have to say that I knew. It’s my house and just to correct the times story a bit, the last name is Walum, and it was my Grandmother, not my Mother that worked at the curiosity shop for so many years. We recently had Joe Stanley, The grandon of Joe James (The home’s original owner) over for a visit with his family. It was a wonderful evening and we all learned a lot about the houses history.

  • Creek November 15, 2006 (3:25 pm)

    I need to wonder about Admiral residents who feel compelled to identify their neighborhood as North Admiral instead of Admiral. Are people who live south of Admiral Way expected to think that self- identified “North Admiral” residents live in one of those massively expensive houses with a grand unobstructed view of Puget Sound and the downtown Seattle skyline?

    They don’t.

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