day : 03/02/2006 2 results

Junction food tidbits

February 3, 2006 6:41 pm
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2 things you might want to know:

-After my earlier snark about the proximity of Ben and Jerry’s possibly creating bad karma for the now-shuttered Urban Fitness, I noted with growing horror that the B&J’s never seemed to be open, no matter when I passed through the Junction. So tonight I finally called. Relief — allegedly they’ll be reopening March 1st. I mean, Husky ice cream is okay, but just okay.

-Pagliacci is starting its delivery service at noon on Super Bowl Sunday. Well, maybe that’s good news for you. Not for those of us who live south of their ridiculously selected delivery border, here on the S end of W-Sea. Not that I wanted pizza on Sunday anyway; we serve homemade yummies at our party.

Except for the Costco Chocolate Cake From Hell that we picked up today. I haven’t peeked in the fridge to see it yet, but I’m told it has a cute little Go Seahawks logo on top.

Which gives me a chance to use this memory, in parting … Remember back when all the local sports teams sucked? The rallying cry always went, “Go Seahawks … … … and take the Mariners with you!”

The great avocado hunt

February 3, 2006 6:29 am
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I was a Super Bowl guacamole-maker before the California Avocado Commission revved up its publicity campaign. Really.

So I’ve spent more than a few day-before-Super-Bowls frantically searching the Markets of West Seattle for the perfect avocadoes.

Gotta be black-skinned, not that weird gelatinous bright green kind. Gotta be soft but not too liquid. Most important of all, the price has to be reasonable … five avocadoes shouldn’t cost more than $10.

Thriftway is usually the most reliable source. You would think the beautiful produce section of Metropolitan Market would yield perfect guacamole fodder; not in my experience. Found them at Jefferson Square Safeway once, after a fruitless (truly) peninsula-wide search. But I’ll even go to Queen Anne Larry’s, if it comes to that. I probably shouldn’t wait till tomorrow; my dream avocadoes might vanish tonight.