Rocket the cat is missing – September 27, 2015 2:05 pm

My cat’s name is Rocket. He is about 2 years old. Last seen September 15th at night between Chief Sealth High School, and 22nd & Thistle street on the 8400 block. He has been neutered. He does not have a collar or a microchip. Very friendly toward people.

2 Replies to "Rocket the cat is missing"

  • linda October 2, 2015 (7:13 pm)

    saw a cat tonight… that looks like Rocket. Oct 2nd..walking my dog..sitting on a fence between 30th ave sw and 29th ave sw..on block south of Kenyon ….

  • Terry Scidmore October 7, 2015 (7:35 am)

    We have had an orange tabby cat that looks like Rocket hanging around our yard for several days. I can’t get close enough to him to catch him, and he seems scared. We are a ways away from you (Arbor Heights), but we lost our cat, Denny, and we found him two months later further away from our home than Sealth is to Arbor Heights. You can call me at work – 206-433-1145. Perhaps it is Rocket?

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