Recognize this found cat? – February 13, 2013 5:17 pm

I found this cat Sunday night in West Seattle. Large, but skinny Tabby. Very sweet and lovable cat that misses her/his home. I’m not a 100% sure about gender. Obviously an indoor cat, as it has great bathroom manners, and seems like he/she may be used to dogs. Please call or post if anyone knows who this cat belongs to. 802-355-6274

4 Replies to "Recognize this found cat?"

  • wswildlife February 13, 2013 (10:12 pm)

    This might be the missing cat, “Bo”, reported in a previous post on January 2nd. Bo’s owners name is Tony , 206-852-3780.

  • golden February 13, 2013 (11:02 pm)

    Looks like the photo of Rosie.

  • Gia February 14, 2013 (12:58 am)

    This cat is not Rosie or Bo unfortunately:(

  • HunterG February 15, 2013 (8:27 pm)

    Looks familiar. Where was he/she found in west Seattle?

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