LOST DOG UPDATE: Senior schnauzer/dachshund Harold – originally posted 4/27, moved up 5/11 – May 11, 2017 9:00 am

*Bumping Harold, because he’s still missing and sightings are still coming in – see the comments!*

We had someone working on our home this afternoon and while they were there, they let our old boy, Harold, out into our fenced yard and now cannot find him. He is 14 years old, moves slowly but can be quite spry when excited. He’s mostly deaf but very friendly with humans and will likely come if offered a treat. He is a Black and Tan schnauzer/dachshund mix. He’s our baby and we are so worried. Please call me at 206-794-7032 or my husband Kyle at 206-351-3380 if you see him! We are located near 18th & Kenyon.

15 Replies to "LOST DOG UPDATE: Senior schnauzer/dachshund Harold - originally posted 4/27, moved up 5/11"

  • Jen April 30, 2017 (9:07 pm)

    Is Harold home? Please let me know if you need help looking for him! 

    • Sandra May 2, 2017 (3:31 pm)

      Jen, I have been following the updates on Harold online and as of now he has not been found. I am sure the owners would appreciate any help! 

    • Tracey May 3, 2017 (12:39 pm)

      I checked a facebook site for Harold and it said he was last seen on 4/30 near Trenton and Delridge.   Not sure how accurate this is but it is posted by Roaming Dogs Lost Pet Service.  I’m just a concerned West Seattle neighbor.

  • Nancy May 3, 2017 (4:02 pm)

    Anything you see posted by Roaming Paws Lost Pet Services is reliable info! She’s really good at what she does.  

    Also a concerned neighbor, keeping my eye out for Harold.

    • Tracey May 4, 2017 (3:45 pm)

      I spoke with Harold’s owner today (Thursday May 4th).  He is still missing.  Last sighting remains on Sunday.  Please check hiding spots around your home or on your hunts.  Decks, sheds, brush.

  • Tracey May 5, 2017 (4:47 pm)

    Several of Harold’s posters came down last night in the storm.  I drove the neighborhood and put back up as many as I found.  If you see one of Harold’s neon signs down, please help out the family and put it back up.  He is still missing.

  • Marianne May 6, 2017 (10:05 pm)

    I keep my eyes open for Harold. What is the link to his Facebook page?

    • Tracey May 6, 2017 (10:49 pm)


      He is on lost dogs of king county – a public facebook group.  I’m not sure how to get to his post without scrolling thru endless others until you get to his on April 28th.  He is also on Roaming Paws Lost Pet Service Facebook page but that one isn’t up to date. 

  • AY May 11, 2017 (12:26 am)

    talk to the children you see in that area. show them the photos of the dog. kids see a lot. knock on doors.

  • Carrie May 11, 2017 (9:03 am)

    Just received a call that Harold was spotted headed north on 24th at Holden. I’m headed back to the area as quickly as possible but if you’re nearby and spot him please let me know. Thank you!

    • WSB May 11, 2017 (9:11 am)

      I have bumped Harold to the top of the page – for dogs to be lost this long is not common but we’ve seen them be found too – good luck!

    • Tracey May 11, 2017 (2:38 pm)

      Darn it.  I didn’t get this update until around 1245 but have been driving and walking the neighborhood ever since.  If any more information could narrow the search, please post.   Hoping for good news!

  • birdrescuer May 11, 2017 (11:43 am)

    Mine was lost 2 weeks and this group helped to find her.


  • AY May 12, 2017 (8:08 pm)

    please update us on Harold. has he been spotted since 5/11?

    • MK May 19, 2017 (10:36 am)

      Based on the Nextdoor thread I’m following with the owners responses, I don’t believe he’s been seen since thurs 5/11.

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