LOST DOG: Duchess – FOUND – May 25, 2016 6:36 pm

(Duchess’s people say she has turned up at the shelter so we’ve removed the information)

2 Replies to "LOST DOG: Duchess - FOUND"

  • Felishia May 25, 2016 (7:54 pm)

    Hello there, I work at the West Seattle Animal Hospital and we had a stray in today that looked quite similar to this little girl! Seattle Animal Shelter has picked up already but definitely give them a call because if this is Duchess she should be back home, safe and happy! Call us if you have any questions!

    • WSB May 25, 2016 (7:56 pm)

      Felishia, thanks. I have just updated this because Duchess’s people say indeed that she is at the shelter and they will be retrieving her. Thank you! – TR

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