FOUND DOG: At Delridge Playfield – August 10, 2017 11:10 pm

My neighbor found a dog this evening at Delridge Playfield with no owner in sight. No collar was found. Please have people with information about dog owner call Tom at (206)679-0668. They will need to provide proof of ownership as well. Tom will be in contact with Animal Shelter tomorrow to see if dog has chip or owner is looking for them. Thank you!

2 Replies to "FOUND DOG: At Delridge Playfield"

  • Valerie Heinrichs August 11, 2017 (10:16 pm)


     I called the listed phone number and they told me it was incorrect. I am trying to see if this is my American eskimo that went missing. Please call me at 907 229-8470 so that I can see if it is her. 

    Thank you,


    • WSB August 11, 2017 (10:20 pm)

      Sorry about that – we cut and paste lost-pet announcements directly from what’s sent. I will e-mail the finders to point out your comment.

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