Injured dog found near Lincoln Park – BACK HOME – January 18, 2013 6:40 am

(info removed)

4 Replies to "Injured dog found near Lincoln Park - BACK HOME"

  • Jena January 18, 2013 (10:14 am)

    UPDATE: Just spoke with animal control, the dogs name is Sadie. A message was left for the owners from animal control, just waiting for them to call back. If you know Sadie, phase call the number listed!

  • Robin January 18, 2013 (10:38 am)

    Thank you for helping this sweet girl! The world needs more like you ;)

  • Jena January 18, 2013 (6:38 pm)

    Sadie went home safe with her owner tonight!! Finally found her owner. Thank you Ruth for really looking out for others. We can all do our part!

  • Robin January 18, 2013 (9:20 pm)


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