W. Seattle or Chief Sealth

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    I have a son transferring in to 9th grade. I have flexibility on my next move to put him in one of the W. Seattle HS. Prefer W. Seattle HS as closer to relatives. How is W. Seattle for kids on university track? Diversity? He is an Asian-mixed race child so diversity and feeling comfortable is important to him. How about Chief Sealth?



    My soon to be 9th grader will be attending Chief Sealth next year. I think both are good schools. Chief Sealth probably has more diversity than West Seattle. Can you call the schools to take a quick tour? I know the open houses are over. West Seattle has the AP program, where Sealth has the IB program. Good luck with your decision.



    Thanks for your advice. I called the schools as well, and it sounds like W> Seattle can give me a tour next week, whereas the coundelors at Chief Sealth are “too busy” to even talk to me on the phone. I am not sure if this is due to a heavy influx of new students at CSHS or reflects a disparity in the popularity of the schools, or a management decision. I looked at the reviews on Trulia and greatschools.org, but wanted to get feedback from actual parents, so your comments are truly helpful.

    Thanks again, your help is greatly appreciated.



    FYI, there has been a complete changeover in the guidance counseling staff at Sealth which has led to a lot of problems and confusion. They are struggling to serve the existing students, so I’m sure that’s why they’re too busy to talk to potential new students. Unfortunate for sure.



    As a West Seattle grad I would say WS …….



    Our son is thriving at WSHS. Great teachers, student community, and the principal and school counselors have been awesome. We’ve been really happy with the school.



    I had a kid in each school. I was a lot happier with Chief Sealth. Diversity is a big deal there, Marcus Pimpleton, AKA the greatest music teacher in human history is there, and Chief Sealth teachers always seemed on the ball about contacting me when anything at all was amiss. I felt like the staff at Sealth actually knew my daughter, whereas I always felt my son was just a number to the WSHS staff. Granted, my daughter was a joiner and was involved with a lot of stuff, and my son was more of a one or two activities kind of kid, but they were both highly participatory academics. I think every kid has a different experience no matter where they go to high school, and I certainly didn’t have any issues with WSHS–I just felt like Sealth went the extra mile.

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