Enhanced driver’s license

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    Anyone who is on the wait list for an EDL might want to call back and re-inquire. I just called and they had a few open appointments this Friday.

    I don’t know if they’re just getting through the applications faster or if they’ve had some cancellations but I thought I’d throw this out here in case it’s useful to anybody.



    I got mine last week.

    the one thing i would say to anyone with an appt is to be a squeaky wheel.

    i patiently waited.. and the process took over an hour.

    the man behind me who did not… was in and out in less than 15 minutes…

    still don’t have my license.. but am looking froward to it.



    so…do you think they could enhance my photo, too?



    If you get an enhanced license, you can use it to get back into the US from Canada. But I don’t see anything on the site saying it works to get into Canada, so a passport would be needed.

    What is the benefit?




    getting into Canada isn’t the problem right now.

    getting back in to the US is…

    and no Jan,

    from the picture i took after sitting on hard chairs for an hour.. i would say no, they don’t enhance your photo.

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