West Seattle Crime Watch: Neighbors scare off would-be thief

Just in from Regina, who says this happened early Monday morning:

We live on Gatewood Hill – 38th off of Morgan [map]. Around 3:45 I awoke to the sound of people talking in what seemed to be my yard. I woke from a deep sleep and thought maybe it was a dream. Looking out the window I saw a white male about 6 ft tall, dressed in a black tank top and black pants, muscular, pacing up and down the street. We all know the neighbors and this agitated person didn’t belong. Then I heard shots.

Turned out the shots were him smashing the glass to pieces on a neighbor’s car with nothing in it. Other neighbors who had just returned from the airport yelled and gave pursuit of him and his getaway vehicle. The car with his friend fled one way, the dressed-in-black thug the other.

We believe he was trying to steal the car as it was the cheapest on the block, clearly had no alarms and there was nothing in it visible to be stolen. Police tried to find him, but the thug is gone. Watch out. This happened between 3:45 and 4:10 am on Monday.

3 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Neighbors scare off would-be thief"

  • livingonthebeach July 15, 2009 (11:32 pm)

    I know of 4 different law enforcement officers that live within a half block of that intersection. One of these days they will mess with the wrong person….I can’t wait.

  • cjboffoli July 15, 2009 (11:47 pm)

    livingonthebeach: Considering that they made so much noise that it woke everyone before they even broke the glass I’d say that they’re bound to be caught in the act again very soon.

  • brandon July 16, 2009 (11:01 am)

    Sting time!!

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