West Seattle Coop Preschools celebrate speaker success, look ahead to Saturday sale

Two notes from West Seattle Cooperative Preschools:

REMINDER – BIG SALE SATURDAY: They’re reminding you that Saturday’s the day for the 5th annual West Seattle Kids’ Sale benefiting the co-op preschools – 9 am-1 pm (March 4th) at the VFW Hall in The Triangle (3601 SW Alaska), as previewed here last month. $1 donation at the door to get in and shop.

SPEAKER SUCCESS: Last night was the big event at Brockey Center on the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus – author Dr. Laura Kastner‘s “Tame the Tears” parenting lecture. Jen Giomi from WS Coop Preschools, which co-presented it, shared photos and reports about 300 people were there!

If you missed the talk – here are the books Dr. Kastner has published.

1 Reply to "West Seattle Coop Preschools celebrate speaker success, look ahead to Saturday sale"

  • Beth March 2, 2017 (8:01 pm)

    The talk was inspiring….trying to put the tips into play today with my kids!  Thank you Co-op Preschools for bringing this to our neighborhood.  Good to know about the local resources you provide, too.  

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