UPDATE: Fireworks blamed for Madison Middle School field fire

5:11 PM: Thanks to Charlie G. for photos from another brush fire this afternoon – one that broke out just as the Arroyos response was starting to wind down. This one was reported around 2:45 pm on the northwest side of >Madison Middle School, at 46th and Hinds.

Scanner traffic indicated that firefighters were getting a quick handle on it, so we didn’t break away to go to this scene, but Charlie’s photos show it’s likely to have left behind enough charred grass to raise questions for passersby. We’re checking with SFD to see if they determined a cause – firefighters called for Marshal 5 (the investigative unit) fairly quickly, but had to wait until after the investigator was done at the Arroyos fire scene.

7:29 PM: We’ve just confirmed with Seattle Fire spokesperson Kyle Moore that the fire was sparked by somebody setting off a bottle rocket – not only illegal, but more dangerous than ever in these tinder-dry conditions, and this is another reminder.. Moore says the fire burned about 200 square feet near the Madison field.

13 Replies to "UPDATE: Fireworks blamed for Madison Middle School field fire"

  • Northwest August 10, 2015 (6:12 pm)

    Not saying this is how the fire started but smokers please responsibly dispose of your cigarette butts which does not include flicking them out the window of vehicle or for that matter any window!

  • Ttt August 10, 2015 (8:30 pm)

    Did they catch the person that lit them off? What happens to them? Do they (or their parents) get fined?

    • WSB August 10, 2015 (8:31 pm)

      SFD’s Moore said someone reported seeing somebody running away but they didn’t have enough of a description for any followup. – TR

  • Kim August 10, 2015 (9:13 pm)

    I had my front door open on 47th ave (near Andover) when fireworks started going off in the street in front of my house. (”Speed of Light’ is the type of firework. The cartridge is still sitting there.) Immediately after the firework in front of my house I heard sirens and wondered if one of my neighbors had called the police, but they stopped somewhere north (probably the middle school). About 5 minutes later I heard another loud explosion about 2 blocks away (maybe 45th and Andover area). It was a different type of explosion, just one loud bang. Then about 5 minutes later I heard another. It seemed to me like someone was walking around the neighborhood lighting off fireworks as they went. I have a sneaking suspicion that it may have been a small group of teen boys that I ran across on my walk through the neighborhood minutes before all the fireworks started. Just a hunch.

  • al August 10, 2015 (9:23 pm)

    Just tried to call what I saw and the line went dead 2 times

  • KBear August 10, 2015 (10:23 pm)

    Would be nice if SPD ever enforced the law with regard to fireworks.

  • PF August 10, 2015 (10:34 pm)

    It is well after the 4th of July and enough is enough. Wish they could ban the sale of fireworks

  • Mr. MM August 10, 2015 (11:48 pm)

    I witnessed the incident and gave accurate descriptions of the two boys and girl to 911 dispatch. Not sure if the law caught up with them. It wasn’t a bottle rocket, it was a mortar that set fire to the grass. One big boom. Still waiting on a call-back from SPD.

  • W. W. August 11, 2015 (8:33 am)

    Walking home and walked past the kids that woman in last post saw throwing fire works over the wall into the fire after it started. Walked up as fire was quickly burning through the grass before fire fighters arrived. The kids were not even running away. When we spoke with her, she said that she had taken a photo. Small fireworks still going off as firefighters arrived. When we left to walk to lunch at 1:30,we heard and saw fireworks being lit over Schmitz Park Elementary. Could not miss these kids if I saw them again. Wish I had walked back to see who was lighting them at S.P.Elementary. Please, let’s be vigilant with reporting fireworks violations in these very dry times. Thanks to those neighbors for their quick actions. Scary how quickly dry grass burns.

  • Born on Alki 59 August 11, 2015 (10:01 am)

    If someone intentionally lit the grass on fire with a match it would be considered arson. Why on earth illegal fireworks causing these grass/property fires are “tolerated” escapes me. Considering the statewide burn ban and unusually dry year, I say charge these firework lighting idiots with arson. Better yet, just ban them all together.

  • lookingforlogic August 11, 2015 (2:15 pm)

    Flammable game play during dry conditions? Are we eliminating intelligence in the gene pool? Fine the brats and/or parents and see if consequences wizens them up.

  • Mike August 11, 2015 (2:47 pm)

    We’ve had fireworks in that area often the past week at night too. I gave up on calling it in as SPD literally will tell us they can’t do anything unless we see somebody.

  • Morgan Junction Neighbor August 11, 2015 (10:00 pm)

    As I read this, I’m listening to fireworks at 9:45 on Tuesday night. I was awakened at 5am this morning by fireworks – yes, 5am on a Tuesday morning. I was also awakened at 2am on Monday morning by fireworks. I commented on another fireworks story around July 4th where people were saying “it’s one day a year” – it is not one day a year. It is literally every single night from July through August and sometimes later. All hours of the night, weekends, weeknights, it doesn’t matter. My family and I love West Seattle so much but between the baby waking up nightly from fireworks and the dog going into a daily panic, we’ll be moving out of West Seattle as soon as possible. The fireworks situation in this neighborhood unfortunately makes it intolerable to live here during the summer if you expect any sleep at all. It’s too bad that this issue isn’t taken seriously. If I knew where the fireworks were happening, I’d happily drive SPD there myself.

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