West Seattle Sunday: Everybody in the water! Plus, music & more

(Today’s sunrise, photographed by Kimberly Newlove)

More summer-ish weather on the way today! So we’re starting with:

STAYING COOL – SPRAYPARK & PUBLIC POOLS: First, a reminder that city-run wading pools are NOT open yet – still a few weeks away. Highland Park Spraypark (1100 SW Cloverdale) *is* open every day, 11 am-8 pm. Our area’s only public outdoor swimming pool, city-run Colman Pool in Lincoln Park, is open for another pre-season weekend day today, noon-7 pm (schedule here). And indoor city-run Southwest Pool (2801 SW Thistle) has sessions between 11 am and 6 pm today (schedule here).

Here’s what else is up:

FINAL IN-THE-LOT FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, as noted here last night, it’s the final West Seattle Farmers’ Market in the longtime parking lot location at 44th/Alaska – starting NEXT Sunday (June 14th), the market moves out into California SW between Oregon and Alaska.

WEST SEATTLE ULTIMATE FAMILY FRISBEE: 10 am at Fairmount Park. (Fauntleroy/Brandon)

SOCCER SEASON FINALE: Last Sunday afternoon of games all over the peninsula for the West Seattle Soccer Club‘s Champions League season.

BEACH NATURALISTS: Today’s low tide isn’t all that low – -1.0 feet at 3:04 pm – but low enough that Seattle Aquarium beach naturalists are out at Constellation and Lincoln Parks, 1:45-4:15 pm.

CHORAL CONCERT: 3 pm at Admiral Congregational Church, enjoy the West Seattle-based Seattle Metropolitan Glee Club‘s spring concert. (California/Hill)

FIVE BUCK BAND: Live music at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 3-5 pm. (5612 California SW)

VISITING FROM RUSSIA: 5 pm at Peace Lutheran Church in Gatewood, the St. Petersburg Men’s Ensemble performs.

PREVIEW THE WEEK AHEAD … via our calendar! (And if you have an event coming up that you think belongs on it – please send us the info, plain text in the body of your e-mail, at least a week in advance – editor@westseattleblog.com – thank you!)

2 Replies to "West Seattle Sunday: Everybody in the water! Plus, music & more"

  • skeptic June 7, 2015 (1:04 pm)

    That photo is probably from Don Armeni Park. It is too close to the water to be from Hamilton Viewpoint. Great sunrise photo of the city!

    • WSB June 7, 2015 (1:09 pm)

      That’s where the contributor said the photo was taken. But the location identification really doesn’t matter – it’s a pretty photo of the sunrise from West Seattle – so I’ll remove that from the caption.

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