(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)
The final round of games for the first day of the West Seattle Soccer Club‘s spring season is under way, on fields all over West Seattle. We stopped by one of the fields at Roxhill, while players in the youngest division – U-6 – were getting in gear.

With more than 1,400 players and 200 coaches signed up, WSSC has teamed with its counterpart to the south, Highline, for this year’s spring Champions League, with jerseys/team names inspired by the UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) Champions League.

Along with Roxhill, fields where today’s 92 scheduled games were played included Alki, EC Hughes, Fairmount, Highland Park, Madison, Riverview, and Walt Hundley, plus several fields on Highline’s home turf south of West Seattle. Next Sunday’s schedule is online here; games are scheduled every Sunday afternoon through June 7th, with the exception of May 24th, since that’s Memorial Day weekend.
P.S. Got a great game pic from today? We’d be happy to add it – editor@westseattleblog.com – thanks!