Downtown traffic alert: Protest affecting traffic, buses

Since so many West Seattleites commute from/through downtown, and this is an unannounced event, here’s an FYI – a protest reported to be affiliated with Occupy Seattle is blocking Pine Street between 4th and 6th. So says Metro, which notes that the routes currently affected including 125, which serves part of West Seattle and White Center. (6:24 PM NOTE: Via Twitter, SPD reports four arrests.)

14 Replies to "Downtown traffic alert: Protest affecting traffic, buses"

  • John November 15, 2011 (6:03 pm)

    OWS, once again, winning hearts and minds.

  • Lorelee November 15, 2011 (6:12 pm)

    Seems like it may be affecting viaduct – Husband reports 0 mph.

  • cold November 15, 2011 (6:25 pm)

    The 125 @ 3rd and seneca for 5 pm was 50 mins late.

  • Nancy Leff November 15, 2011 (7:08 pm)

    After a hard day at work, my husband was stopped in traffic for TWO+ solid hours, because of OCCUPY. There were accidents caused because of them today. They chose a time that could CAUSE accidents (Rush Hour.) He saw them being belligerant to police; the videos only show the aftermath, not what led up to the “pepper spray.” He was not feeling well, and he could not move, or leave his vehicle. Their rights? They TRAMPLED HIS rights. He was GLAD the police were there.

  • getwithit November 15, 2011 (7:33 pm)

    Weird.. I don’t follow bus schedules as that way lies madness, but around 5:30 I hopped on a 54 in belltown after about a ten second wait at the stop and was home twenty minutes later. I didn’t notice a traffic delay beyond that 25 mph section of the viaduct detour.

  • jedifarfy November 15, 2011 (7:48 pm)

    I’m SO glad I leave about 4 because I wouldn’t have been able to handle that. Occupy Seattle is turning into a bunch of babies. Protest, but stop hurting the rest of us. We just want to get home!

  • hoffanimal November 15, 2011 (7:52 pm)

    Bummer Leff, but i don’t think anyone has any rights regarding the time it takes for their evening commute.

  • Diane November 15, 2011 (9:13 pm)

    wow, missed the whole thing; bussed thru downtown on 54 to 70 at 5pm; back this way thru downtown at 8; all quiet/on schedule both ways; had no idea til I got home and saw this story

  • bridge to somewhere November 15, 2011 (9:33 pm)

    A protest tactic that disproportionally and negatively affects the 99% seems a little counter-productive, no?

  • WTF November 15, 2011 (10:56 pm)

    I was DT watching the whole thing. Police did an excellent job. I am a proponent of exercising your rights of speech, protest and even wearing pink polka dotted underwear. I DO NOT support those who blatantly, violently (bottles were thrown; I have video), disrespect the law and law abiding citizens. They blocked a major intersction, littered and disrespected MY rights to safely walk across the street. Occupy Seatlle?! For what, again. Oh. That’s right you CAN’T articulated why you “occupy”. Get a (real) purpose, then we’ll talk.

  • Mn November 16, 2011 (2:19 am)

    I have no time for these people
    Move them to another country

  • AJL November 16, 2011 (8:48 am)

    How exactly did the protesters “cause” accidents? It seems to me that maybe the drivers of vehicles that crashed (examples?) were losing patience and not driving safely. Unless a protester physically grabbed the drivers wheel and stepped on the gas they are not responsible for other people’s poor driving skills and road rage.
    I went by the protest about 4:30 or so and the protesters were well boxed in by police at Bell St. They weren’t going anywhere. The entire street and sidewalks were blockaded by police cars and police officers (who were not allowing pedestrians to use street/sidewalk to get through), not protesters BTW.

  • WTF November 16, 2011 (2:52 pm)

    Actually and BTW, the protesters were sitting directly in the intersection of Pine and 5th. Albeit, I agree that the drivers themselves caused any car accident, the idea that these people, clearly breaking the law by blocking a through street, littering, throwing bottles, and accosting police officers IS NOT acceptable. I would venture to guess more than half, if not all, including what looked to be a six year old boy, don’t have a clue what they are “occupying” for in the first place. If they did, it would be made very clear to the rest of us across the United States. If the police did not disperse the crowd the problem would have escalated. Again, if you can’t articulate what it is that you “want / don’t want” in a peaceful and MATURE way, this will continue with the same result and absolutely no resolution. There should also be no sympathy for pregnant or older ADULTS who clearly make the choice to risk reaction. And, to the parent(s) of the little boy I saw standing in the middle of all this, you should be ashamed of yourselves. BTW.

  • golfer November 16, 2011 (3:25 pm)

    I agree with hoffanimal about “rights”. Part of the price you pay for living in this beautiful city is that sometimes you have to deal with other people. Sometimes those people come together and get a bit unruly and your normal routine is interrupted. You don’t have the right for your day to go smoothly all the time.

Sorry, comment time is over.