Congratulations to Jack Miller, Chanda Oatis, and Teresa Klein!

Three rounds of congratulations are in order:

KIWANIS HONORS ‘EVERYDAY HERO’: The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle has given its “Everyday Hero” award to Husky Deli proprietor Jack Miller, noting his “significant ongoing support of the West Seattle Community,” including “slicing the ham for the annual Kiwanis Community Pancake Breakfast, set for Saturday, December 3rd, 2011.” (Mark your calendar!) You can read the complete award announcement here.

ANOTHER AWARD FOR DENNY’S CHANDA OATIS: Last February, we shared the news that Denny International Middle School assistant principal Chanda Oatis was honored by the Principals Association of Seattle Schools as Middle School/K-8 Assistant Principal of the Year. Today, there’s word that she’s won a statewide award – the Association of Washington Middle Level Principals has chosen her as the Washington State Assistant Principal of the Year.

ROXHILL’S “HERO IN THE CLASSROOM”: Roxhill Elementary principal Carmela Dellino sent word that 4th-grade teacher Teresa Klein has been chosen as a Symetra Hero in the Classroom. Prizes include 2 tickets to a Seahawks game, and a celebratory visit to the school, plus classroom supplies. The principal included the nomination letter she sent – read on:

Fortunately many of us can think back to our elementary school days and remember that one teacher who had a profound impact on our lives. At Roxhill Elementary School, one of those teachers is Teresa Klein. Teresa epitomizes a true Hero in the Classroom in every way! She has the energy, determination, poise, compassion, patience, skill and relentless drive that are the hallmarks of a master teacher. Teresa teaches 4th grade at Roxhill. She has chosen to work at Roxhill, a school with a very diverse population in which over 80% of the students live in poverty. She is a gifted and masterful teacher, bringing the joy of learning and the gift of foundational knowledge and skills to all her students. From the moment you enter her classroom, you know you have entered a classroom that enriches students’ intellectual, creative, artistic, and emotional lives. One of the hallmarks of a great teacher is the belief that all students can achieve at a high level. Teresa holds that belief and knows how to not only challenge her students to excel, but also reinforces their own belief that they can do so.

Her students thrive in her classrooms and they develop an amazing sense of self-pride for their accomplishments. I have seen several students write in their journals that Ms. Klein is “their hero”. When the writing prompt was to write a poem about an important person in their lives, many wrote of Ms. Klein. I wish I could share those poems with you, because the children’s words themselves expressed why Teresa should be a recipient of this award.

Teresa is a Hero in the Classroom also because her positive impact is felt far beyond the walls of her classroom. She genuinely feels a responsibility for the success of every child at Roxhill. Her instructional leadership has had a powerful effect on the teaching of all the educators at our school. She has led several professional development trainings in Reading and Writing and gave up a huge portion of her summer to assist the further growth and effectiveness of our instructional practice. Throughout the year, her classroom is flooded with teachers from across the district who come to observe her. They leave inspired and strengthened by watching her masterfully perform her teaching craft. The University of Washington is elated that she will accept student teachers, knowing that anyone who has the opportunity to be mentored by her will emerge with all the skills ready to excel in his/her own classroom. Roxhill is a better school because of Teresa. She is a true gift to the teaching and a Hero in the Classroom. I feel incredibly fortunate to work with her. She is most deserving of this recognition!

7 Replies to "Congratulations to Jack Miller, Chanda Oatis, and Teresa Klein!"

  • Kelli September 16, 2011 (4:02 pm)

    Ms.Klein was my 4th grade teacher 2 years ago. She is a great teacher, and maintains a comfortable learning environment. She deserves this award.

  • Kelli September 16, 2011 (4:04 pm)

    Congratulations Ms.Oatis!!Go Dolphins!!!!

  • luckymom30 September 16, 2011 (8:09 pm)

    Teresa Klein is a wonderful teacher, as are all the teachers at Roxhill. Congrats Teresa!

  • Leslie September 16, 2011 (10:36 pm)

    Congratulations Jack! You are truly a WS gem.

  • jess klein October 1, 2011 (4:55 pm)

    so proud of you mom! congrats on all your hard work. you are the best teacher i know!

  • Rita Lubnau October 3, 2011 (5:01 am)

    I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Teresa at several levels: co-worker, parent of a child in her class, friend and my hero. Your nomination letter describes her perfectly. Congratulations my friend.

  • jennifer Klein October 3, 2011 (10:42 pm)

    Congratulations Teresa. You are a very introspective, creative, artisitic person. it is a gift you are sharing with the children at Roxhill.

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