Update: Schedule for Alki Family Fun Day – dog parade and all!

September 8, 2010 6:14 am
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 |   Alki Statue of Liberty | Fun stuff to do | West Seattle news

This Sunday’s the big day for the Alki Community Council-presented Family Fun Day and Bluegrass Concert (first previewed here last month) at Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza. And this morning, the schedule of events is out, starting with a welcome at noon and the Dog Parade at 12:30, continuing through a Kids’ Talent Show and other entertainment, then concluding with a bluegrass concert. In addition, ACC says 25 vendors will have booths by the plaza, including “an authors’ table open to published writers of West Seattle.” Read on for full (free!) details:

As announced in the ACC’s latest news release:

According to event planner, Libby Carr, the Family Fun Day schedule is:

12:00 Noon – Welcome and overview of the day’s events by Alki Community Council.

12:30 to 2:00 p.m. – Dog Parade and Awards Show. Prizes will be given for Best Costume, Owner/Pet Look Alike, Longest/Shortest Tail and Ears; Most Obedient/ Best Trick. Registration at the event will be limited to 45 owner/dog pairs; one handler per dog. All dogs must be on a short leash at all times and no anti-social or aggressive dogs allowed. Free registration must be completed by 12:15 pm just before the event at the Alki Community Council table on the plaza.

2:30 to 4:30 p.m. – Kids’ Entertainment Segment. Events Include a Kids’ Talent Show, a professional Magic Show, and Lawn Competitions for both kids and adults. For more information, see the YouTube promotion by the talent show organizers.

5:00 to 7:30 p.m. – Bluegrass Concert by 5-piece band “Dysfunction Junction.” The concert is an event for the entire family, onstage at the Liberty Plaza.


Noon-7:30 pm: The Writers of West Seattle Table — The Council is offering a free table to local authors interested in selling their books during the Family Fun Day. Authors of all ages and genres are invited to host a two-hour shift to promote their published books and share select details about their fiction or nonfiction books. Authors must preregister by emailing Glynnis Vaughan at glynnis.vaughan@gmail.com or calling 206-817-7783.

The event sponsors include three WSB sponsors – Ncompass Cottage Company, Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy, and Tom’s Automotive — as well as Cactus, Pet Care Center, and Pepper’s Design Clothing. You can still sign up to be an event volunteer, vendor, or competition participant — contact Libby Carr at libby@carrbiz.com and 206-938-8721 by this Friday, September 10th. You can also keep an eye on alkinews.com for last-minute details.

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