
PARK(ing) Day, West Seattle: ‘Free Speech Garden’ in The Junction

From a distance, the PARK(ing) Day (explained here) “park” set up on the street outside Easy Street Records fits right in, with foliage echoing nearby street trees … but if you look closely, it’s more than greenery:

As you might surmise from the display, this is the “Free Speech Garden” that newly transplanted arborist/advocate Michael Oxman told us about in a PARK(ing) Day preview three weeks ago (read about it here) – there’s a citywide design contest for the one-day “parks.” You should be able to see this one in person for another hour or so. Oxman noted in that August preview that the PARK(ing) Day concept explores what might be done “when we run out of oil” – that happens to be the topic at next Monday night’s Sustainable West Seattle Community Forum, 7 pm (September 20) at the Senior Center of West Seattle.

1 Reply to "PARK(ing) Day, West Seattle: 'Free Speech Garden' in The Junction"

  • Silly Goose September 17, 2010 (3:06 pm)

    Oh how I wish my schedule wasn’t so packed today as I would love to discuss why so many of us will buy more fuel efficient vehicle but will we ever really get rid of our cars all together? We live in West Seattle because it is a short drive to the mountains to hike, a short drive to the ocean beaches, take a scenic drive through the pass,and so on. I think most of us live in this beautiful city because we are so close to all of this outdoor recreation and want to be able to enjoy it at our leisure without worrying about ride sharing or taking multiple connecting buses to get some where. Please don’t make owning a vehicle such a bad thing as we are all doing our part to conserve the enviornment even if we do own a vehicle to enjoy it.

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