LOST DOG: Teddy – BACK HOME – October 17, 2019 12:17 am

(info removed)

2 Replies to "LOST DOG: Teddy - BACK HOME"

  • ScottAmick October 17, 2019 (7:44 am)

    I’ve already been in contact with owner this morning at number above.  Just commenting to say how cool it is that while walking my dog this morning at 5:40 and we see a dog wandering past us, I Google west seattle lost dogs as I’m standing there, WSB pet page pops up.  I see  the post about Teddy and text the owner our location.  All within about a minute.  Really hard to try to comfort the dog when I have my own on leash.  Got my dog inside and came back out but Teddy was long gone.  Thanks for making the Internet a good thing WSB!  Somedays I wish the Internet and cell phones were all just unplugged!  :)

  • Sarah October 17, 2019 (9:10 am)

    Update: Teddy has been found and is back home safe!! Thank you Scott, WSB, and others who reached out!

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