LOST CAT: Chauncey – BACK HOME – August 11, 2016 12:20 am

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4 Replies to "LOST CAT: Chauncey - BACK HOME"

  • amg August 11, 2016 (7:15 am)

    we live in Gatewood, and he was last seen Tuesday morning at 37th/Thistle. he’s a free range kitty and does roam, but never gone this long.  

  • LisaB August 11, 2016 (7:39 am)

    Is he chipped? If so, contact the chip company and report him lost. Contact local vets.

    If he is indoor/outdoor I assume he had a cat door or some way to get in if you are not home?

    Put his dirty litter outside, the smell helps them find home if turned around.

    Missingpetparnership.org has great advice on how to search. 

    Contact Seattle Animal lost pet hotline, report him missing (you can do it online) also go there in person.

    Best of luck, I am sending blessings and willing him home!

  • amg August 19, 2016 (7:23 pm)

    Chauncey ended his 10 day rendezvous! he came home last night, yay! you can remove post. thanks to everyone who called/texted.  :) 

    • WSB August 19, 2016 (7:32 pm)

      Very glad to hear it.

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