FOUND CHICKEN: Near Lincoln Park – August 8, 2020 11:00 pm

his evening we found a roaming chicken south of the tennis courts at Solstice Park. A neighbor said that she had seen the chicken all day, but hasn’t been able to find its owner. We caught the chicken and are boarding it in the neighbor’s coop for the night, hoping we can find its true home soon. Contact Casey at 206-949-5426.

Too dark to take a proper photo, here’s an approximation from the Internet.

2 Replies to "FOUND CHICKEN: Near Lincoln Park"

  • Casey August 10, 2020 (5:43 pm)

    Update: We didn’t learn where he came from, and took him to the Seattle Animal Shelter today. He will stay there for three days, and if unclaimed, they’ll work to place him in a rescue. If it turns out that his owner sees this and is looking for him, please contact the Seattle Animal Shelter.

    • WSB August 10, 2020 (5:52 pm)

      Thanks for the update!

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