FOUND CAT: Black with gold eyes – July 9, 2019 8:39 pm

This beautiful kitty has been coming to my house for a few days now. Found on 15th and Roxbury.
They’ve been coming by my backyard looking for food the last few days and sweet as can be. A little bony but definitely loves people! I would say 7lbs. Black. Gold eyes. No unique markings. I’d let her in but have two kitties already! Am worried this is someone’s lost pet. Please call or text Megan at 425-890-5563.

2 Replies to "FOUND CAT: Black with gold eyes"

  • Gwendolyn Elliott July 10, 2019 (3:12 pm)

    This looks a lot like the kitty Emerald City Kitty Harbor is looking for! Original post: “Courtesy Post – LOST Cat – Ravenna area of Seattle, WA. Lost 7.4.19″

    • WSB July 10, 2019 (6:25 pm)

      Ravenna is a very long way from here … Anyway, please, if you think you have information about a missing or found pet, contact the poster directly. Thank you!

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