West Seattle Crime Watch: Nursery theft; home break-in

In a comment following another Crime Watch report from earlier this morning, “WSN Helen” reported a break-in/theft at West Seattle Nursery over the weekend:

A heads up to anyone that receives a black marble bench or a floral table and chairs patio set for Christmas or knows someone selling them – West Seattle Nursery was broken into on Saturday night and had these pieces of yard art stolen. This is stolen merchandise and not a kind gift!!

We went down to WSN to find out more; they told us the stolen bench is similar to the one shown in the photo above. The break-in happened sometime after they closed Saturday night at 8; someone got in through the back fence, and in addition to the items that were mentioned, also took “some religious statuary.” The value of the stolen items so far totals about $700, though they are still checking to see what else might be missing.

One other break-in report from over the weekend – if you are in the High Point area, you might have seen flyers about this (thanks to Marco for reporting the flyer sighting) – the e-mail is from Dave, who’s near 34th/Myrtle (map):

On Thursday night thieves smashed in our door and ransacked the house. The couch and beds were overturned, and every drawer emptied on the floor. After the mess was cleaned up, the current tally is a Toshiba laptop, red iPod Nano, 70mm Nikon FE2 camera, and a 50s era 28mm Kodak Retina camera. They also stole an Omega watch and some heirloom jewelry that has been in the family for generations and has more sentimental than financial value.

The next day, I went asking around the neighborhood to see if anyone had heard or seen anything. Some items were found at the HighPoint Community Center men’s room, and other objects were found outside.

On a Coen Brothers-esque note, also found at the assumed time of robbery were three crates of kale, collard greens and mustard greens, abandoned on the parking strip. Their connection to the crime is still unknown.

Today: County Council chooses new rep for West Seattle (& beyond)

December 14, 2009 9:16 am
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After interviewing the four community-committee-recommended finalists for appointment to the King County Council seat left vacant by Dow Constantine‘s election as County Executive, councilmembers are scheduled to decide today who will hold the job for the year remaining in his term. It’s a two-step process today, starting with their meeting as the Committee of the Whole at 9:30 am, then finalization during the official council meeting this afternoon. The four finalists are 34th District State Sen. Joe McDermott of West Seattle and 11th District State Rep. Zack Hudgins of Tukwila, both of whom have said they would run for the job next year, and State Rep. Sharon Nelson of Maury Island and Seattle City Councilmember Jan Drago of Pioneer Square, who have said they would not. You can watch live on cable channel 22 as well as online. 9:43 AM UPDATE: The Committee of the Whole meeting has just begun. Councilmember Reagan Dunn has just announced they won’t make a recommendation till the full Council meeting this afternoon.

West Seattle Weather Watch: No snow deja vu

December 14, 2009 4:28 am
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First, a flashback: After the first serious night of snow in December 2008, this WSB as-it-happened story from 12/14/08 chronicled (with photos) what we all woke up to on this day exactly one year ago. THIS year – sorry to disappoint snow fans — it wasn’t looking even remotely likely: The 4 am city-forecast update now no longer includes the word “snow”, and it’s not in evidence on the radar. (The city was apparently taking no chances, though – a salting/sanding-type truck just headed eastbound on Thistle from California.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Totem note; truck theft; graffiti again

TOTEM POLE NOTE: For everyone awaiting updates in the saga of the West Seattle Rotary Viewpoint Park totem pole, stolen two weeks ago tonight, here’s where it stands as we start the new week: As of the close of business Friday, charges against the suspect, arrested last Wednesday, had not yet been filed. The totem pole — found in Oregon Thursday — also had not yet been returned to Seattle; we spoke with Josh Sutton from the Rotary Club of West Seattle over the weekend – they had no new updates on its status. We’ll be checking in with Parks, police and prosecutors again today. The Rotary, meantime, is taking donations for the Totem Pole Restoration Fund, so it can be ceremoniously reinstalled – go here to help. 10:56 AM UPDATE: Just received, and confirmed, a tip that the totem pole actually is back in Seattle, in Parks Department “custody.” Will publish a separate item with more details soon.

(back to original 4:21 am report) STOLEN CAR: Via Facebook, Kim wants you to be on the lookout for the pickup stolen from her home Saturday night – 1995 Nissan Extended Cab, teal green, with canopy, license B61774A. (We don’t have info yet on what neighborhood – awaiting reply to the followup question. 10:57 AM UPDATE – Seaview, near 44th/Findlay.)

Meantime, the latest in an ongoing case of serial vandalism:

GRAFFITI SCRUBBED: A WSB’er who wants to remain anonymous photographed six incidences of the notorious “homophobic graffiti” vandalism along Admiral on Sunday afternoon before cleaning it up and reported it to police, with the photos. (We’ve blurred it out in the one above, which was black lettering on a retaining wall; the other five places it was marked/painted included road signs and signpoles and a bus-schedule sign.) Our tipster often “patrols” that area for vandalism; last week was the first time we’d heard of the happening beyond the area where the vandal’s struck repeatedly before. As previously reported here, police continue looking for the man who was arrested and charged earlier this year, though the charges were dropped when he was deemed incompetent to stand trial. And they want to hear from you about any graffiti vandalism you spot (206-625-5011 is the non-emergency number if it’s not in progress), not just this type (and if you plan to clean it up/paint it out, be sure to photograph it first).

Another way to help – and updates on 2 ways you already have

RAFFLE TO HELP VAL KLEITZ: Aaron’s Bicycle Repair proprietor Aaron Goss shares that photo with word that its subject, longtime shop worker and friend Val Kleitz, is fighting cancer, and, “While his prognosis is good, his medical bills are adding up” – so a fundraising raffle’s been arranged. A new turquoise 2010 Redline 925 donated by Seattle Bike Supply and assembled by Aaron’s will be raffled off at 1 pm Dec. 20. Till then, anyone 18+ can buy $5 tickets to get in on it – all proceeds to help with Val’s medical bills. They’re on sale at the shop (6527 California SW), or you can simply make a medical-bills-fund donation from the raffle-info page on Aaron’s site.

SUCCESSFUL CELL-PHONE DRIVE CONCLUDES: Megan Wilson Tutty sends word via Facebook that the cell-phone collection drive at Easy Street Records (to help domestic-violence victims, as first reported here in October) is over, so please don’t take any more phones there. She says the drive to help the Victim Support Team, with which she volunteers, collected 138 phones!

MERRILL GARDENS’ FUNDRAISING TOTAL FOR OFFICERS’ FAMILIES: After last Wednesday night’s fundraising pasta dinners at both West Seattle locations of Merrill Gardens (WSB sponsor), we reported their $1,500 total – but those were only two of 21 MG locations participating. Now we know that the fundraiser’s grand total is $25,000, including an MG corporate donation of $5,000. They expect to make a presentation to the officers’ guild soon. If you missed this fundraiser and the $126,000 Papa John’s two-day event, you can still donate directly to the Lakewood fund by going here.

Video: Christmas Ship’s West Seattle finale, with an apropos song

December 13, 2009 9:45 pm
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 |   Holidays | Seen at sea | West Seattle news

Bainbridge Island-based SoundWave caroled it from the Christmas Ship – “Let It Snow.” Didn’t happen during the Spirit of Seattle‘s final visit of the season to West Seattle shores, though, at Don Armeni Boat Ramp tonight – just a little mist – latest “forecast discussion” isn’t very snow-hopeful, either. The night also saw the weekend’s only Christmas Ship bonfire, since the now-ended burn ban was still in effect last night:

The Parks Department also set up the traditional tent with cookies and beverages (they apologize that the hot water was a little late) – and added extra decorations, including some luminarias along the shore, and the inflatables you see alongside Gayle, Rebecca, Mulryan and Jim from Parks:

(photo courtesy Rebecca Hall – substituted 12:41 am for our original photo which just had 1 Parks person)
One other sight from tonight – in addition to the lighted boats accompanying the Christmas Ship, two kayakers paddled out to watch (also seen in the top video clip):

While that’s it for the West Seattle stops this year, the Christmas Ship continues nightly trips to various Puget Sound/Lake Washington/Lake Union beaches through Dec. 23 – the schedule’s here; you can buy tickets to ride along, with part of the proceeds going to the Seattle Times (WSB partner) Fund for the Needy (donations welcome here). We also covered the Christmas Ship’s Seacrest (here) and Lowman Beach (here) stops last night (it also visited Alki) – thanks to everyone who contributed photos to enhance the coverage (don’t miss these).

West Seattle holiday help: WestSide Baby’s special donation hours

With 12 days to go till Christmas, it’s prime time to expand your giving to the nonprofit donation drives and Giving Trees around West Seattle/White Center. Many are listed on our West Seattle Holidays page. And here’s an update just in from Nancy Woodland at WestSide Baby, along with the accompanying photos:

To try to fill our shelves before Christmas, WestSide Baby will hold special Holiday Donation hours of Mon-Friday 9-4pm and Thursday evening 7pm-9pm now through December 22. WestSide Baby will also host an After Hours volunteer sorting event on Thursday December 17, 7-9pm at our facility in White Center. Volunteers ages 14+ will gather to sort through donations of gently used clothes and enjoy a festive “holiday” evening. If you can attend, please email our Volunteer Coordinator at sarah@westsidebaby.org.

Many families and businesses in the area are benefitting WestSide Baby as they gather together to celebrate the holidays. THANK YOU!! Friday evening, kids and parents carrying diapers and bags of warm clothes filed into the new West Seattle Little Gym [WSB sponsor] for a party hosted by two local families. 2500 diapers were collected and 6 bags of winter clothes for children 0 to size 12 appeared to fill the very scarce shelves at WestSide Baby! The Little Gym generously donated space while their staff and owner, Birgit, donated time (and smiles) as they successfully corralled, somersaulted and flipped more than 50 children while parents mingled in the lobby. Local efforts at businesses, schools and private gatherings have resulted in 50 winter coats and thousands of diapers for little ones in King County just this month. See WestSide Baby Donation Drives for details of places where you can drop off your items out in the community if our location or open hours are not convenient.

Also note that WestSide Baby has set the date for its annual tea – February 6 – tickets are on sale now here, and tomorrow’s the deadline to sign up if you’d like to be a Table Captain.

West Seattle Weather Watch: Reminder about Metro’s new alerts

December 13, 2009 5:58 pm
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle news

One big difference between this winter and last – Metro has added more ways to get the word out about bus trouble, if and when necessary. With the possibility snow might affect the morning commute in some areas of the county, Metro’s Linda Thielke has just sent out a reminder about its new alert systems – read on:Read More

West Seattle traffic alert: Utility work in Arbor Heights

Thanks to Nathan for the tip about a water-main problem at 35th/106th (map) in Arbor Heights. 106th west of 35th is closed at that spot, where a backhoe-equipped crew is working, but 35th traffic is not affected – except for one thing to keep in mind later: Southbound lanes are wet for a few blocks south of 106th, and that could be trouble as temperatures drop, though we also spotted an SDOT truck nearby, so the situation should be on their radar.

SDOT lengthens the list of planned Westwood improvements

New information today about SDOT plans for pedestrian-safety upgrades at the main intersection leading into Westwood Village, 26th/Barton (map). This follows another serious pedestrian-hit-by-car crash a week and a half ago, which led to much discussion here about the area’s safety challenges. The original announcement came from SDOT’s Jim Curtin during a walking-tour visit to the area (WSB coverage here), where he met with Westwood Neighborhood Council’s Donn DeVore, Westwood Village’s Stuart Crandall and Delridge Neighborhood District Coordinator Ron Angeles. Since that visit, Curtin has provided a list not only of the improvements he mentioned that day but also other upgrades in the works – including some at intersections further west, as part of the Safe Routes to School program that is moving on to Roxhill Elementary School. Here’s the full list:

* Short Term – to be installed in the first quarter of 2010:

o Both the east and west crosswalks at the intersection of 26th Ave SW and SW Barton St will be repainted and widened to improve crosswalk visibility for drivers and pedestrians and align the crosswalk markings with the existing curb ramps

o The signal at 26th Ave SW and SW Barton St will be equipped with new “Stop for Pedestrians When Turning” overhead signs

o The signage for the mid-block crosswalk at the Longfellow Creek Trail (just west of 26th Ave SW and SW Barton St) will be upgraded to our new standard fluorescent yellow-green signs

o “Stop for Me – It’s the Law” signs will be installed on SW Barton St on the eastbound and westbound approaches to Westwood Village

o SDOT will review speed limit signage to ensure that SW Barton St is properly signed

o SDOT will enroll the neighborhood in the Arterial Traffic Calming program for SW Barton St – this will start the data collection process to evaluate speeds on SW Barton St

o Westwood Village will paint stop bars at the shopping center exit to provide additional guidance for drivers by designating the location where they should stop

Read on for the “long term” list as well as other improvements recently decided, including those for walk routes to Roxhill:Read More

West Seattle Weather Watch: Burn ban lifted; forecast & flurries

Puget Sound Clean Air Agency just announced it’s lifted the burn ban because “The current weather pattern has brought improved mixing and dispersion of fine particle pollution. As a result, air quality has improved sufficiently to allow lifting our Stage 2 burn ban.” Maybe that’ll mean a bonfire for the Don Armeni Christmas Ship stop at 7:10 tonight, as originally scheduled? Meantime, here’s the newest forecast from the National Weather Service, as of less than an hour ago:




2:15 PM UPDATE: As commenters are noted, a few flakes have been seen – extremely light flurry where we are, with sunshine to boot. One more note – via Facebook, we’re told there WILL be a bonfire at the 7:10 pm Christmas Ship stop at Don Armeni tonight.

West Seattle Holidays: Santa/Father Christmas photos; concerts …

Santa Claus is managing that amazing trick again this afternoon … multiple places at once … here in West Seattle. Above, the 4218 SW Alaska storefront (east of Cupcake Royale) transformed into Hometown Holidays Headquarters, where you will find him noon-4 pm (suggested $10 donation for photos, goes to West Seattle Helpline, WestSide Baby and West Seattle Food Bank), along with gift wrapping (if you buy $50+ from participating Junction merchants, it’s free), and Pathfinder K-8 wreath sales in the HH booth at California/Alaska. Santa’s also at Westwood Village noon-4 pm — photo’s free with nonperishable food donation for food banks (also bring diapers for the WestSide Baby diaper drive). Or for an Italian Christmas experience, go meet Babbo Natale:

Lunch at Cafe Revo (WSB sponsor) 1-3 pm includes Babbo Natale (aka Nonno) telling Italian Christmas stories and taking photos — scooter included!

Other holiday highlights today include the Admiral Sings Christmas singalong at 4:30 pm, Admiral UCC church (California/Hill) and a holiday open house at Bridge Park in High Point (3204 SW Morgan), with 11-year-old piano prodigy Val Wold playing, 2-4:30 pm.

Two non-holiday highlights: The Esoterics perform their winter concert at Holy Rosary, 3 pm; and tonight at Kenyon Hall, Donald Sosin plays along with “Chicago,” the classic 1927 silent movie that inspired the more recent movie/musical, 7 pm. More events in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup!

Christmas Ship in West Seattle: Back tonight; more Saturday photos

Thanks to Michelle Edwards for that photo of the Christmas Ship sailing toward West Seattle at dusk Saturday, before its first stop (at Seacrest – here’s our report on that). After three Saturday stops, it’s back tonight for one more West Seattle stop, Don Armeni Boat Ramp at 7:15 pm. Its second Saturday stop, at Lowman Beach, drew a crowd that stretched out onto the rocky low-tide-exposed shore. Linda Ann Cox, whose snow-dusted photo from last year graced our previews this year, photographed the Lowman visit again last night:

As Linda Ann noted in her e-mail – and as we saw for ourselves – the Lowman Beach visit ended with fireworks (not an official part of the program, but fired in notable quantity from both the north side of the crowd and what looked to be somewhere in the residential area to the south). Even better, though, astro-expert Alice Enevoldsen says there was a meteor show too; she wrote about it on her Alice’s Astro Info website, and included photos – click here to see the tiny dots in the sky, captured by Jason Gift Enevoldsen, and then click here to see a labeled version of the photo. And one more look at the ship itself, which the rest of the year is the Spirit of Seattle, run by Argosy Cruises:

That photo was taken by Ian McKay, who has a few others in a Flickr gallery you can see here. From Lowman, the Christmas Ship and seven accompanying vessels moved on to Alki before returning downtown. Again, it’s at Don Armeni at 7:10 tonight; here’s a map. (Many more holiday events today/tonight – all on the West Seattle Holidays page – we’ll preview some of them later this morning, too.)

Update: Turning Super 24 into a Delridge Fresh Food Spot

That’s most of the group that turned out Saturday afternoon to continue helping Super 24 (Delridge/Findlay) transform into a Delridge Fresh Food Spot. (3rd from left is the store’s owner, Bhim Singh.) That included placing placards with that phrase alongside various healthy items on sale around the store:

Outside, during the morning-afternoon event, volunteers offered samples of healthier food:

This doesn’t mean everything is produce and granola inside the Super 24 – right next to the fruit basket shown above, fried chicken waited under warming lights. But adding the healthier foods as options is another major step in the store’s evolution, the first of many if the King County Food and Fitness Initiative organizers’ hopes (including reps of Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association, come through. They also worked today to remove old alcohol and cigarette advertising from the storefront, steps away from where volunteers painted the eye-catching mural in late summer. And they’ll be back, they said, to keep helping the Super 24 evolve.

High-school basketball: Seattle Lutheran vs. La Conner

We promised more high-school sports coverage this year, and brought you fairly comprehensive coverage of the high-school football season. Now it’s basketball time, and we’ll be covering many of the games West Seattle’s three high schools play, starting with Seattle Lutheran High School‘s doubleheader in West Seattle Saturday night – read on for the story and video:Read More

Reminder: West Seattle Bridge ramp to northbound I-5 closed

December 12, 2009 11:38 pm
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Reminder that the ramp from the east end of The Bridge to northbound I-5 is scheduled to be closed from right about now through about 8 am tomorrow, as WSDOT works to install “smart” overhead signs.

Update: More info on incident that led to helicopter search

Getting multiple reports – checking into it now. There are no serious-injury incidents on 911 anywhere in the area, and there’s nothing obvious on the scanner at the moment. 12:10 AM NOTE: Still haven’t had any luck nailing down an official account of this – afterhours contacts are inconsistent unless there is a MAJOR crime (and chopper/K-9 doesn’t necessarily portend “major,” no consolation if the search is in your neighborhood, of course) — comments and this WSB Forums thread have some pieces, though. SUNDAY MORNING UPDATE: Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen says the incident involved an “ex-boyfriend assaulting ex-girlfriend.” The suspect is in custody.

Christmas Ship in West Seattle: 1st of 4 visits this weekend

(Photo from Jim Edwards)
Less than an hour ago, the Christmas Ship, with Northwest Girlchoir Vivace on board, serenaded a goodnatured crowd along the shore at Seacrest:

It’ll be back later with Canterbury Belles on board, 8:50 pm at Lowman Beach (north of Lincoln Park), 9:40 pm at Alki. No bonfires tonight, because of the ongoing Stage 2 Burn Ban, but warm camaraderie (and the temperature’s higher than the last several nights!). And since Santa is everywhere, it wasn’t surprising that he showed up for the Christmas Ship … with a 2-wheeled “sleigh”:

Friendly Parks Department staffers are at every stop tonight, with free cookies and hot beverages, so be sure to say “hi”:

(That’s Ryan Spencer, assistant coordinator from Delridge Community Center.) If you missed it tonight, the Christmas Ship (and whatever boats decide to tag along) has one more West Seattle stop this season – Don Armeni Boat Ramp tomorrow night at 7:10 pm.

Seattle Youth Commission in West Seattle to talk issues, ideas

Story and photos by Mary Sheely
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

It starts out the way you might imagine an event involving high school and middle school students: With a game.

“We want to get to know you,” announces a girl in a striped shirt, stepping into the middle of a circle of chairs set up today on a sunny afternoon at Delridge Community Center.

The girl is Vise Leiato (above right), a senior at Evergreen High School and a member of the Seattle Youth Commission, formerly the Mayor’s Youth Council (background here).

She lays out the rules of an icebreaker game, which eventually leads to a lot of students scrambling to change seats. But though the game is fun, the goals of the meeting are serious.

Read More

But wait! There’s more! – as your West Seattle Saturday continues

December 12, 2009 2:30 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do | Holidays | West Seattle news

CANAPE CHEF SERVICES AT JF HENRY: Via Twitter (@canapechef), WSB sponsor Canape Specialty Chef Services invites you to stop by JF Henry in The Junction till 4 pm (4445 California SW) and meet Chef Jay DeLong – offering carrot-ginger soup samples. They’re also offering discount gift certificates – which is one of the coupons you’ll find on the WSB Coupons page. (And if you’ve had trouble printing them before because the entire page sidebar prints too, taking extra pages, we’ve fixed that – printing the page should get you JUST the header and the coupons – it includes coupons from our sponsors in the Admiral District, another place to Shop Local this holiday season, and beyond.)

“TEAM TRACY” 3DAY FUNDRAISER TONIGHT ON ALKI: Earlier, we mentioned several events you can check out while enjoying the Christmas Ship‘s three West Seattle stops tonight (there’s one tomorrow too if you miss it – or want to see/hear it again). Here’s another, from the West Seattle Weekend Lineup: The Team Tracy Breast Cancer 3Day Fundraiser at Christo’s on Alki! Silent auction and raffle for the team led by breast-cancer survivor Tracy Dart, going for their third year in the 3Day in 2010. Tracy says Christo’s will have food/drink specials too – great place to watch the Christmas Ship’s 9:40 pm Alki stop and/or to warm up before/after.

More of what’s up today/tonight – including the Christmas Ship

RIGHT NOW: West Seattle Tiger Scouts collecting donations for families of the Lakewood Police officers killed two weeks ago, 9 am-5 pm at a table at Holy Rosary Tree Lot (more details here) – they also were scheduled to have a “thank you” card for people to sign.

RIGHT NOW: “Santa Paws” at Windermere Real Estate in The Junction (4526 California SW) – go get your dog’s photo taken with Santa! Till 2 pm. (Thanks to Windermere’s Doug Baldwin for sending the in-progress photo you see at right!)

THIS AFTERNOON: Holiday wine sale at South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) Northwest Wine Academy, noon-4 pm, discounted prices on wine, gift baskets on sale too. (Here’s a campus map – WWB marks the spot where you’ll find the sale.)

(2008 photo from Lowman Beach, courtesy Linda Ann)
CHRISTMAS SHIPS TONIGHT! Can’t say it enough. They’re a must-see (and must-hear). Here’s the full schedule for tonight’s West Seattle stops, from our WS Holidays page:

CHOIR: Northwest Girlchoir – Vivace
5:15-5:35 Seacrest (map)

CHOIR: Canterbury Belles
8:50-9:10 Lowman Beach (map)
9:40-10:00 Alki Beach

There are a few special events in connection with their visit – the Log House Museum on Alki is open extended hours today, noon-9:30 pm, and offering cookies, cider, and free museum tours. 61st/Stevens (map) – walk a block south from the Alki Bakery corner. Also on Alki, Coastal Boutique is having a 20% evening sale, 7-10 pm. And at Lowman Beach, Sterling Images Gallery alongside the park’s south edge – whose proprietor is also creator of the renowned Ducky Reserve – is open late.

“PRINCESS ANGELINE” MOVIE AT DUWAMISH LONGHOUSE: Tonight at 7 pm at the almost-year-old longhouse in West Seattle, the new film that tells the story of Chief Sealth’s daughter, and explores the tribe’s ongoing fight for federal recognition. More here.

And this is STILL only part of what’s happening. Shop local – have fun, local – West Seattle Weekend Lineup list is here, West Seattle Holidays (grouped by type of activity/event) is here.

Marination Mobile cancels today’s West Seattle visit – frozen pipes

Quick update via Twitter (@curb_cuisine) from Marination Mobile (winner of Good Morning America‘s “Best Food Cart in America” contest) – its regular West Seattle stop (usually 35th/Graham, 11 am-2 pm Saturdays) is canceled today because of frozen pipes. “Hope to see West Seattle and reasonable temps next week,” they say.