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    Has anyone had experience with the personal training at the X-Gym (on Alki?) I’m particularly interested in anyone who uses the program to remedy physical challenges — not so interested in the body building. Yet :-)

    Thank you, as always….


    did you just get the coupon in the ws mailer thing :) i was looking at it to and yes would be intreasted if anyone else has tried it??



    Nope, I actually just met the trainer — so she knows how immobile I am and still thinks she can really help. What’s the mailer (and where do I find this coupon?)


    its in The Best of Alki/West seattle, i think it came in the mail yesterday. There is a coupon inside for the x gym for 2 personal training sessions. i like there catch line “xtremely fast and xtra convenient for xtraordinary results in just 20 minutes, 2x a week” :)

    it said you can also print the coupon at http://www.tbousa.com



    see, this is why i love the wsb forum.



    We’re going to meet her Saturday morning to see the place and talk $ and I’ll report back. I mean I have to be impressed with a physical trainer who meets me, crawling bent over (from pain), leaving my acupuncturist and says, “Yeah, I can help you — but you have to work hard.” And Miranda, my wonderful acupuncturist recommended her to me and me to her. All that is good and wonderful…but I still come here. (And, at the very least, learn about coupons — you’re so right, add!)



    changingtimes, that link takes me to an ISP’s website — could you please check and make sure its the right one? (am I cheap—YUP—and the X-Gym definitely isn’t) thanks!



    Thanks, CT — the online version claims to be for Kirkland, but I’ll check to see if XGym here has one too.


    poop! i dont know if you can actually print out this one….i just walked through the steps and it only shows up for the utopian hand massage??? maybe if you call there customer service number

    Phone: (206) 932-2259

    Fax: (206) 932-6685

    Office hours: M – F, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

    they can send a booklet out to you??? if you really want it i can mail it to you…but thats kind of weird i guess. :) sorry about that.



    CT, don’t worry — now that I know about the deal, and I have an appointment with the trainer, I’m all set. Thanks so much for the lead. Anyone else have any Xgym experience?



    Charla, if you decide you need the coupon and still haven’t received one, I can bring you mine.



    Thanks JT…Given that the rate is $285 a month, I’m going to need a huge discount, a scholarship, or the coupon. :-) I’ll let you know when I talk to ’em…it would be a great excuse for pre-meetup meetup.



    The X-Gym has three locations: Belltown, Alki and Kirkland. I went to the Belltown one for a while, back when I worked nearby.

    Their training method is <b>intense</b> weightlifting – to the point of failure – which does generate very quick results in a short amount of time. But you have to ask yourself what your goals are.

    My main focus was running with a little weight loss. After a year, my legs (really my whole body) were stronger and I had lost a little weight, but my endurance was not improved and my speed was actually degrading.

    They were training my legs so hard on the days I was in there that they were too sore for the following two days to do much of anything. Walking was painful. Stairs were miserable. Running was almost out of the question. So my cardio workouts suffered due to the over training on weights.

    My legs really responded well to the weight training as well. I started to get body builder legs. Huge quads and hamstrings. Very powerful for short bursts, but a hindrance for distance running.

    I quit the Xgym and started doing my own thing. Instead of 80% weights and 20% cardio, I swapped the ratio. 70% cardio and 30% weights, with only light leg work on weights (they were getting more than enough strength work through the running, biking, stairs, hills, etc.). My endurance improved, I dropped a lot more weight and I also dropped more than a minute per mile off my running time.

    Both methods got me in better shape. Just different forms of “better shape”. Personally, I prefer the more balanced approach I’m currently using.



    Charla, one thing you might want to discuss with the trainer is to cut costs by having shorter (30 min.) sessions. I have health/mobility issues and spent a long time seeing a trainer (who unfortunately moved somewhere near UW or else I’d recommend her). I found that in an hour session, half of it was doing some cardio (like a treadmill or elliptical) and I was doing it on my own – didn’t really need to be paying someone the big bucks to ignore me for half an hour. Plus, while doing things like weights, I could only do one set of each type of weight workout or else it would wipe me out. So while someone else going for bodybuilding might need more intensive, longer workouts, mine were much shorter. I’d arrive earlier to do the cardio on my own, then meet with the trainer on the clock for 30 min., and then spend my own time afterward doing stretching. And I’d only see her 2x a week and would go the third time and do it on my own. Just thought I’d share my experience in case I could save you some money. :)



    Thanks so much, H — frankly I can’t imagine what these people want with me. (My introduction came through a friend, so they’re not just trying to make a buck.)

    I’m old(er), out of shape, overweight, and barely able to walk because of hip and knee joint problems. I’m a long way from bodybuilder — body-working-at-all is my goal.

    What you’re describing doesn’t sound very promising for me, but now I’m even more curious to see what they think they can do.

    The personal trainer is obviously passionate, motivated, and convinced she can do something for/with/to me. Armed with your info, and JTs coupon, I’ll see what they’re about. Thanks again!



    The workouts there are only 20 minutes long. It’s very non-traditional as well. This isn’t your typical “3-sets of 10-reps at high weight” joint. Throw out all your preconceptions of weight lifting. This is different stuff.

    It might be just what Charla needs. You can only try it out and see if it matches with your fitness goals. Good luck!



    Thanks, Sue — and H! I post here to get great information (duh) and because it’s like a commitment — people now know what I’m trying to do, so I can’t just wuss out. :-) You-all are part of my blog-conscience.



    Charla – And after you’re all buff and still need to learn how to function in this world I still have that ‘free’ offer out there for you.

    Of course my ways don’t require hard work or pain, so you may not be interested. :-)~



    Should I learn to function before or after I’m buff — hmmmm, that’s not hard. I seriously haven’t forgotten your offer, Erik…I’ll be in touch (and see you on the 14th?)



    Charla….make sure they understand exactly what’s going on in your joints, especially the hip joint. Lack of cartilage in there will not change, and you’ll still have the pain in the joint until you get a band new shiny one (it’s titanium and cobalt chrome, etc…I’m assuming it’s shiny – lol). I let my right hip, replaced in 2004, go for a very long time, and my thigh(quad) muscles had atrophied a lot, so whatever you can do to strengthen them can help I think, especially in your recovery, if you opt for surgery.. I didn’t let the left one get that bad, and I think that’s partially responsible for the quicker recovery. Hey…I did my first massage yesterday, only 3 1/2 weeks after surgery.It went really well, I thought.

    Erik…nice that your method is pain free…we get tired of the pain, for sure…arthritis ain’t for sissies :)



    ..speaking of the coupon book, anyone see the AMA AMA coupon with the topless cartoon girl? I’m not prude but that seemed a bit risque for a family coupon book.



    Jan – You know (both personally and professionally) that pain gets in the way of healing. And it can also be a clue that somethings not right…I could go on and on but will save it for a few brews at the BPP on 06-14



    hey rainyday i was thinking the exact same thing!



    Rainy/Changing, I think that’s Ama Ama’s permanent logo. I saw it on an ad in the Stranger.

    Do we have another Starbucks Topless siren scandal here? ;-)

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