Which antenna works west of California Ave?

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    Hi – I cancelled cable/satellite due to retiring, and have heard that some digital broadcasts can be received in W. Seattle. Anyone care to tell me which antenna you use? I’m considering buying the one at Costco: Winegard Flatwave Non-Amplified HDTV Indoor Antenna FL5050C. Is that a good one?






    I’m near 44th and Webster and have the Costco antenna. It works for me. During the summer I got more stations, it seems like right now channel 7 comes in the clearest. The only downside is sticking the antenna to the wall/window is its not as mobile when it needs to be adjusted. Picture quality is great and no buffering like I experienced with the radio shack antenna.



    I have the amplified version of that Costco antenna – I had heard that the amplified one was better, but I never used the non-amplified one, so I can’t compare them personally. I am not west of California, but nearby – I’m at 41st & Alaska. As for mobility of the antenna as Franci mentions, I attached it to the window with a piece of clear packaging tape – it stayed up nearly a year before falling down, and it’s very moveable that way if need to (as opposed to using any kind of mounting tape).

    The nice thing about buying it from Costco is that it’s totally returnable if it doesn’t work. My ex-husband bought the same antenna and it wouldn’t work at his apartment, and he just got a refund for it. So no risk, other than a possible trip back to Costco.



    I am west of California Ave and would recommend going amped. I have the “Mohu Leaf 50 Amplified Indoor” and would recommend it.



    Thanks all! Yes, I’m hesitant to buy an outdoor amplified antenna, with all this wind lately, too! But also don’t really trust my carpentry skills. So I think I’ll try an amplified indoor one. Thanks NxNW for the Mohu recommendation, but I’ll have to look somewhere other than Costco.



    Well, I’m committed. Just bought the Mohu online:

    https://store.gomohu.com/checkout/onepage/success/ and they’re offering free shipping!

    Thanks everyone for your input. Happy Holidays!



    Let us know how it works for you.

    Happy Holidays!



    I’m also west of California. My amplified Mohu leaf works great.



    There’s nothing good on anyway.



    Hey Admiral Janeway, I’m down in Fauntleroy and my amplified antenna gets the KING stations, the KIRO stations, Ch 13 and 5 separate 20’s. No KOMO.

    It’s up in the attic and pretty much aimed West/North West.

    Was wondering what stations you get and which direction you have yours facing?



    Just reporting back: I still have not received my mail-order antenna, but am hoping for this week.




    I hang my Mohu Leaf on the east exterior wall.

    I receive channels 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, TBN, 22, 28, 31, and the shopping and foreign language channels up to 51. Reception is pretty good up to channel 22. After that, the screen pixelates more often.



    Hooray, the Mohu Leaf came today. Sadly, I’m only getting 13-1 (Fox; omg just shoot me), 13-2 (TBN), 20-1 thru 20-5. But I’m going to call their Service guys tomorrow to see if I’m doing something wrong. I have it on the wall at the highest NE corner that it can reach. Will report back after the Tech folks educate me. ;)



    I’m in Admiral just east of Safeway. I bought a 30 buck one from Amazon. I get basically Ch.4-51, and some variations of them…some are shopping, some are religious, so old movies/shows, some cooking. I don’t have it mounted…just sits next to my TV near my deck door, so can move it if it pixelates a bit, which doesn’t happen often. It’s this one… http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RFLXE0A?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00

    very happy with it…




    First off, the 13-1 channel you are getting is local broadcast station KCPQ, which is a Fox television network affiliate. Please do not confuse us with the terrible Fox News Channel you probably used to get on cable. While there is a similar name and some ownership ties, the broadcast network is a separate entity from the Fox News Channel. Furthermore, KCPQ-TV is owned by Tribune Broadcasting from Chicago. The Fox broadcasting network and the Fox News Channel do not have any say in the editorial decisions made in our newsroom. KCPQ-TV is the Fox that brings you The Simpsons and NFL football, not right-wing head cases like Bill O’reilly.

    Now that I have that out of the way, 13-1 is KCPQ (Fox); 13-2 is ThisTV and 20-1 through 20-5 are from the religious broadcaster TBN. Reception on the west side of California can be hit and miss as you go down the hill toward the water. Here’s a site where you can put in your address and see what stations can be received at your location:


    I’m on Admiral Way west of California and this site has been very helpful with aiming the antenna and what to expect. Here’s another good site:


    That’s for the start of the thread; you might want to start at the end and work backwards to get a feel for how to best ask for help.

    Let us know how your reception works out!




    Thanks Val! Good to know!

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