"Where are you from in West Seattle?" Funny!

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    Was out of state last week, and twice had a conversation that went like this:

    Me: I’m from Seattle

    Person: Where in Seattle?

    Me: West Seattle

    Person: Where in West Seattle?

    Me (thinking they know the hood): Highland Park

    Person: Oh ok, my friend/family member is from Woodinville/Bellingham/Anacortes.

    Me: um…those are no where near me.

    Really not sure why that happened TWICE, but ok.



    Ha! I’ve had the “I live in W. Seattle” convo that then goes: “Oh, do you know [name]?”

    Yeah, there are a LOT of people in W.S. so, no. (Though one time I actually DID know the person, so I guess it’s a small world after all.)



    I’ve had a very similar conversation in a hotel bar at a conference. Where in Seattle do you live? West Seattle. No I mean I’m from Federal Way where do you live? Um West Seattle, that’s a place.



    It’s more of a place than Federal Way, that’s for sure.

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