What will be humanity's epitaph?

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    Like JoB, I shake my head frequently when I see some of the sheer stupidity we exhibit and then some of the most heart-lifting reinforcement of our potential for good.

    Which made me ponder what might be our epitaph, when that day comes when humans have run their course. What would you suggest?

    Homo Sapien

    350,000 B.C – 2090 A.D.

    “Intelligent enough to perform incredible acts of love and selflessness as well as extraordinary feats of scientific achievement. Dumb enough collectively to destroy themselves and a planet of unmatched beauty and abundance.”



    interesting , isn’t it, what we think about during a season that is supposed to be uplifting. I think there is a faction of humanity, at least in these United States, that is already lost :(



    interesting , isn’t it, what we think about during a season that is supposed to be uplifting. I think there is a faction of humanity, at least in these United States, that is already lost :(



    i don’t think anyone is ever lost

    i just think we stopped counting consequences as part of the total cost

    if we stop deferring consequences life evens out.

    think about it. one small example

    you are in a crowded restaurant and someone’s unattended kid keeps running up to your table and jostling your chair.

    stop the kid… with kindness… tell them a joke or make a paper puppet or…

    and then ask the kid if you can meet their parents.

    thank them for the pleasure of meeting their kid.. tell them you remember how difficult it was for you as a parent to get quality time out with your kids

    and suggest that they advocate for more restaurants with kid’s play spaces or kid menus with immediate delivery of kid friendly snacks and amusements…

    those tips really worked for you…

    then smile and return to your table.

    immediate consequences…

    now yes.. i know those parents are going to talk trash about busybodies who should mind their own business… and may even complain to management about you “accosting” their child… ignoring of course that you would have been perfecting happy to enjoy your night out without ever meeting their kids.

    but… if all of us old busybodies stick our nose in when accosted at our own tables by other people’s children those parents would quickly learn the same lessons we did…

    pack a survival bag with new treats and distractions and dole them out one at a time or the old biddies are going to publicly shame you for your lack of parenting skills…

    and if you want to eat somewhere with adult food and an adult atmosphere.. leave the kids at home. the other adults who are equally straining their budgets to eat adult friendly food in an adult atmosphere will thank you.

    i know.. i know.. i might as well suggest that you leash your dog :)

    but think about it..

    if we regularly make not only people but businesses and organizations accountable for the full cost of the consequences of their choices then they are far more likely to consider the total costs before infringing on your rights.

    too many people think it’s just fine to get away with making someone else pick up their tab…

    and then complain about those whose actual need .. not want.. inconveniences them in any way.. even if the only inconvenience is a prick to their conscience because they choose to do nothing when asked for help.

    and they see no conflict.

    they never will unless we point it out



    “Homo Sapiens: Relatively intelligent, mostly selfish, and over-reproductive. May the thoughtful and kind ones be remembered. May the billions of others be remembered as a crowd.”



    “Mostly harmless”



    sniper kitty: hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy?

    good one!

    wakeflood: man, we’ve been pulling the same shite on one another for 10,000 years. easily.

    epitaph? nah. this is a work in progress.

    but if i had to spitball one:

    “rodents and cockroaches got nothing on us.”



    and neither did the dinosaur red ….. although what if ….


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