Those circles in side street intersections are not rotaries

Home Forums West Seattle Rants & Raves Those circles in side street intersections are not rotaries

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  • #1088980

    Chris Landry

    Car turns left right in front of me at 36th & Dakota. I honk, soy boy stops, walks to my car and asks “don’t you know how to drive in a rotary?” thinking he had the right of way. I say “don’t you know when to use your turn signal? That’s not a rotary.” He responds “what is it then?” I reply “it’s an island in the middle of a four way intersection.” He continues to disagree with me with condescending passive aggression. Unable to prove my point, we part ways. Intent on knowing what the law considers those circles in the road to be (as opposed to relying only on my common sense) one driving instructor and four police officers relaxing at Macrina later, I’ve confirmed that the circles in side street intersections are not rotaries (for anyone who thinks they are) and that when driving on a single lane road you use a turn signal when changing direction. Especially if you’re foolish enough to turn left right in front of an oncoming vehicle. Unfortunately ranting about bad drivers is like blowing in the opposite direction of a wind storm.



    Yes they are. The people you talked to are wrong. They are “neighborhood traffic circles”, and you’re supposed to go around to the right if possible. “If possible” includes situations where you got there first and you just don’t feel like driving around the circle.

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