Tabs and plates

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    With the influx of workers noticing a lot of out of state plates. I thought there was a time limit before they had to get WA plates?. There’s a guy in my building that moved here from Texas. 2 years later he still has his Texas plates. There’s an older white Infiniti that drives around WS with tab’s that expired on 12/15. Doubt he’s been pulled over by SPD



    You are required to register your vehicle within 30 days. Not doing so is licensing fraud, which can be reported here:

    License Fraud

    I’ve found placing a note conveying the above information on the windshield of vehicles to be a very effective way of convincing people to register their vehicles in WA.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by TSurly.


    The penalty for not registering in time is to have a fine assessed on a daily basis and it tops out at something like $125 total (not per day).

    Given that you’ll pay 10% of the value of your vehicle as a “use tax” when you register it in WA is a major deterrent to people complying. Over the years and times that I lived here (3) I only registered my vehicle(s) here this time.



    The penalty is significantly more than that:

    More importantly, it’s a scumbag thing to do. Be an adult and pay your fair share. It is dirt cheap to own a car in WA compared to other states that I have lived in, people here have no idea how good we have it.



    Having lived in numerous states I would disagree with you regarding the cost of owning and operating in WA, especially in KC.

    I don’t disagree with you regarding paying your fair share but WA is, again, regressive in it’s taxation.



    An exception to the requirement to get WA plates is the military. Military personnel are allowed to continue to register their vehicles in their home state.



    Thank’s TSurly. Sent the info to WSP via the website. I’m sure the people are not in the military. I’ll be generous and assume they’re not thinking or paying attention. I would love to ask them what they would say to someone in their home state that was doing the same thing.

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