Summer Special 1.5 Hr. Water Romps for Your Dogs

Home Forums Freebies, Sales, Trades Summer Special 1.5 Hr. Water Romps for Your Dogs

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    Through September 15, Sound Dog Swims is offering a discount of over 5% on our Water Romp Trip. The total cost breaks down to $11.70 per half hour. A pretty good value for a customized level of activity, whether your loyal buddy is a gentle wader or a vigorous, athletic swimmer!

    The 1.5 hour water romps are offered year round, as are additional pet care services, but summer time swim sessions are particularly great. Of course, they are lots of fun, but your dog will remain cooled down for the day if s/he is kept inside or in the shade after their exercise session. Morning sessions are especially wonderful for this.

    The dogs are picked-up and delivered back to your home or office. For 1.5 hours I have them outside in small groups in clean, legal and fresh water environments. I customize the vigor of their exercise time according to their level of conditioning. If they are older, rehabbing from an injury, been inactive for while or just a wader, I make sure they are being motivated to swim at a level they can handle. I will work/play with them to increase conditioning over time as required. I LOVE doing this for the dogs and feel so lucky when folks entrust the care of their beloved pooches to me for high quality water play and exercise.

    You are not being charged for travel time. The dogs arrive home tired and content.

    Again, the Summer Special Expires September 15. Here’s the link with contact information:

    And, a still-under-construction website:

    Stay cool everybody!

    And thank you for loving your dogs!



    what a great idea!



    Will you take any size dog? My newfoundland would love a swim!



    And what parks do you take them to?



    Well, thank you very much JoB.

    I can only say that I hope other folks agree and drop me a note of interest. :)

    Swimming is just such an effective exercise for these guys. I’ll try to spare you too much of the science, but suffice it to say it is the BEST low-impact, high resistance exercise for

    ALL dogs.

    Yumpears – You would be most welcome to drop me a note


    To do this right, I have to ask a bunch of questions of you

    about the dog before I could just say yes or no. But that

    doesn’t mean I wouldn’t love to take your Big Dog out for a

    romp. There aren’t many more magnificent, born-to-swim

    swimmers in the canine kingdom than newfies!

    As far as where I take them, I have my preferences, but there are a couple of options for folks. I’ll tell you about them when you drop me a line.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    Thanks you guys!

    Have a great evening!




    i so wish you could take mine..

    but other than the fact that they still think an escape from a water encounter of any kind is a major miracle.. they don’t play well with others:(

    i keep meaning to get out the wetsuit.. gear up like a pregnant seal … and take them out in their life jackets… someplace landlocked… murphy’s law and my desire for an orca encounter could end badly :(

    oh for the warm lakes.. and rivers… of minnesota.. only thing i miss about being back in the NW.

    water therapy is a real savior for so many dogs. we got enough water time in the summer for my old sweetie with hip dysplacia to make it through minnesota winters.

    I can’t recommend it enough.

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