WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Fauntleroy Way Shell robbed again (updated)

12:46 AM: Police converging on the Shell station/mini-mart at Fauntleroy/Alaska say it’s just been hit by armed robbers again. The initial call was “shoplift” involving five people, but at least one was armed, and that makes it a robbery. The robbers are described so far as all male, late teens/early 20s, black masks, one with a machete, the other implying a handgun. They are reported to have taken off toward the bridge on Fauntleroy, in a black SUV.

1:06 AM: That SUV is a Hyundai Tucson, officers just told dispatch.

1:14 AM: The robbers’ description has changed – four men in their early 20s, one in a black hoodie, one in a blue mask, one in a black jacket, one in a multicolor sweater, one with a hammer. In cross-city communication, police are discussing the possibility of a link with a robbery that just happened downtown.

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: From the SPD summary that’s since been released:

Four suspects with masks walked inside the gas station located at the 4500 BLK of Fauntleroy WY SW. The suspects grabbed a shelf of food items and threw it to the ground to block the entrance door. One of the suspects had a hammer and demanded money from the clerk. The suspects took approximately $200.00 in cash and food items. The suspects left in a Black SUV and possibly committed a second robbery at the 700 BLK of Taylor Ave N.

And after that, police say, they are suspected in a Bellevue holdup.

34 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Fauntleroy Way Shell robbed again (updated)"

  • Ben January 15, 2025 (1:11 am)

    The staff at that Shell station treat everyone who walks in there with kindness and dignity. No words for how awful it must be for them to go through this repeatedly.

  • Andros January 15, 2025 (4:54 am)

    This seems like a solvable problem. There are just a few exit points out of W Seattle. We need to post some police in the right locations to catch these crooks. 

    • WSB January 15, 2025 (10:30 am)

      In many cases they’re gone before the store clerk is even able to make the 911 call or activte an alarm, so there could be a police officer sitting right there at 35th/Fauntleroy with no ideea (yet) that the car that just passed contained four robbers who’d just held up a store.

      • Leelee January 17, 2025 (3:31 pm)

        I like this idea though— a cop posted at every entrance with a camera that temporarily records and can save footage as needed, for when a call does come in. Seems crime happens enough in west Seattle nowadays that it may offset the budget cost of the cops needed for it.

        • WS Res January 17, 2025 (4:34 pm)

          Seems crime happens enough in west Seattle nowadays that it may offset the budget cost of the cops needed for it.”  How does that work, exactly? Is there a bounty for robberies that I’m not aware of? Does SPD make a profit off of each person they arrest? I’m unclear on the math here.

  • Rocky Bullwinkle January 15, 2025 (5:37 am)

    SPD should deploy a squad car on WS bridge by 99N exit and one at Chelan Cafe/Marginal Way 24/7 to be able to apprehend criminals looking to get out of WS after committing a crime.

    • Jake January 15, 2025 (9:23 am)

      Doesn’t fool anyone, unfortunately.

    • BSwans1 January 15, 2025 (9:55 am)

      Absolutely!  There and Roxbury!

      • Jethro Marx January 15, 2025 (6:35 pm)

        Why not make it a checkpoint, and then expand across the whole county? They wouldn’t even have to stop everyone; they could just hassle the people who look like they’re bad types. We could give cash rewards to people who give anonymous tips!

  • Andros January 15, 2025 (6:25 am)

    This seems like an easier problem to solve.  There are only a few paths out of W. Seattle.  I’m thinking walled city and some gates. ;P

    In all seriousness though, I think that some properly placed cops should be able to get these crooks.

  • Wakeflood January 15, 2025 (6:56 am)

    This will eventually lead to closing the inside store part after 10pm or something. Who wants to risk their life for $15/hr? And I can’t believe that convenience stores even have much cash in a till anymore? Nobody uses cash and they drop it into the timed safe as soon as they get it? How much can they possibly get? $100??

    • Alki resident January 15, 2025 (9:35 am)

      I use cash everyday. Cash is still a thing. 

      • WSzombie January 15, 2025 (6:43 pm)

        I call bs. Cash for what, parking meters? In 2025, cash is incredibly inconvenient. Let me guess, every time you need cash for your daily expenses, you go to the bank, fill out a withdrawal form, talk to the teller, get your cash, then balance your checking ledger? No? Then it’s got to be from an ATM or cash withdrawal from a purchase. Both cases you already used your card and don’t need cash. I usually keep $20-$100 on me at all times. But that’s mostly for an emergency or when my wife asks for money to donate to the church or tip her nail lady. Lol

        • WSB January 15, 2025 (7:00 pm)

          One note on cash (or old-school checks for that matter). If you are a businessperson, it means more money in your pocket. Most credit-card companies and other types of payment services charge fees to the recipient of the money, and that can add up. Not begrudging the companies that, as they deserve to be compensated for their services too, but for those who have never run a business, it might help explain one potential motivation for accepting/using cash. – TR

        • Burgerman January 15, 2025 (9:22 pm)

          Let’s all remember that Alki resident is a Trump supporter and as such, is stuck in a past that will not be coming back no matter how many brown people they ship out of the country.

        • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy January 15, 2025 (10:29 pm)

          Also use cash weekly. Just because you find it inconvenient doesn’t mean everyone does. I mostly use it at bars and weed shops. The latter because it’s the only choice. Bars because I don’t like having to get someone’s attention to close a tab. If you pay cash you’re always settled up. (Bars at restaurants still only give you a tab at the end. Places like poggie you pay immediately)

    • Jake January 15, 2025 (11:16 am)


    • CarDriver January 15, 2025 (12:52 pm)

      Like Alki resident I use cash all the time. Card machines can and do malfunction and can’t take a card. I’ve seen it happen with my own eyes. Also, on more than one occasion have gotten a better deal by paying with cash.

    • 1994 January 15, 2025 (9:46 pm)

      The 2025 Minimum Wage in the state of Washington is $16.66 per hour. Could be higher in Seattle.

  • heyalki January 15, 2025 (7:49 am)

    This is happening almost every single day now. Another day another gas station robbery.

  • Seattlite January 15, 2025 (8:06 am)

    How long will this pattern of armed robberies continue in WS, greater Seattle, King County?

  • Gay January 15, 2025 (9:52 am)

    The Blue Angels are not keeping us as safe and free as some might have thought.  It used to be nice to go out late.  I think those days are gone for a while.  I feel for the workers and other shoppers.

    • Burgerman January 15, 2025 (9:24 pm)

      You really don’t understand the things you rail against if you think the Blue Angels have anything to do with local public safety. Or are even ALLOWED to have anything to do with that.

      • Bill January 15, 2025 (10:58 pm)

        Lollll – Gay got you. Blue Angels is an older popular reference to the police.

        • Burgerman January 16, 2025 (1:33 pm)

          I see, I was not aware. The person was complaining about the airplane Blue Angels recently.

  • Janie January 15, 2025 (10:03 am)

    SPD should put an unmarked police vehicle across the street for surveillance at this point to be ready to block in the vehicle and apprehend these criminals. 

    • Anne January 15, 2025 (1:23 pm)

      Like there are enough LEO to spare -for how long? All night every night-24/7?What about all the 7-11’s getting robbed on a regular basis-do it there too?What part of being understaffed & going through the process (it doesn’t happen in a week you know) of hiring & training to bring up staffing levels do you not understand? Maybe someday Seattle will have enough officers to try something like this -long enough to make a difference – but it’s going to take time. 

  • Marcus January 15, 2025 (11:36 am)

    Go cashless for service stations and convince stores. UK is mostly cashless in the large cities. Solves a lot of problems. Just need to legalize bank transactions at the cannabis stores.

    • Cardriver January 15, 2025 (2:35 pm)

      What do you do/say when the machine doesn’t work. In-laws were in Memphis just before covid. The restaurants machine didn’t work. Staff was basically holding people to prevent dine and dash. Those with cash like the in-laws paid and left. Rare event? Sure, but if you’re the one waiting having cash doesn’t seem so bad.

    • Andros January 15, 2025 (2:45 pm)

      This idea is solid. 

  • Skipalapondo January 15, 2025 (7:58 pm)

    You can tell someone’s privileged when they assume we can just ban cash transactions with no negative consequences. No one has a right to a bank account or credit card, and millions of Americans don’t have either. I for one don’t want to give Visa more power over our daily lives and commerce. Besides, it says it right on the Almighty Dollar: “This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private.” That motto goes back even further than “In God We Trust” on our money.

    • Marcus January 16, 2025 (7:02 am)

      We’ll get ready cause this next Monday is going to be an extreme horror show with a big emphasis on the entitled. Simple stuff like cashless will be the least of people’s troubles. 

      • Carsonator January 25, 2025 (7:16 pm)

        Well, that hot take was a bit off.  What exactly did you expect to happen on Monday besides getting a new/old president? Honestly asking what you thought might happen…

  • Tracey January 15, 2025 (9:32 pm)

    If I were a ne’er do well, I would know how to wreak havoc on American society.  Take out the payment processing systems or maybe cell towers or perhaps the software driving those driverless vehicles – for just a day.  Our society should be careful.

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