WEST SEATTLE COYOTES: 2 sightings tonight

Received both of these from the same general area in the past hour or so:

Just a FYI – a coyote seen at 40th and Dakota darting around the street @ 7:15 PM. Watch out for your small pets.

And just before that:

Spotted two good-sized coyotes at 38th and Genesee, moving house to house rather methodically. Now headed west on Genesee.

Reminder: We publish coyote sightings for awareness, not alarm – learn about how to co-exist with coyotes via infosheets like this.

6 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE COYOTES: 2 sightings tonight"

  • CorvidFan January 16, 2025 (9:17 am)

    Please remember to keep your cats inside for their safety, especially at night . . . Coyotes don’t understand the concept of “pet ownership”, your cat is a potential snack to them, just like a rat, squirrel, or rabbit would be.  

  • Emily January 16, 2025 (9:52 am)

    There was a pack howling like maniacs around 8:45pm near the golf course!  

    • Derp January 16, 2025 (2:37 pm)

      Oh yes,  they run around their and Camp Long.  They love to run the fairways.

  • cobe January 16, 2025 (3:25 pm)

    There were 3 coyotes casually walking down our street last night at Cloverdale and Fauntleroy Pl. One coyote was watching our small dog while in the front yard. As I brought her in, the other two came around the driveway. They do not seemed scared at all. Then they slowly strolled down the street. 

  • Reid January 17, 2025 (8:16 am)

    I saw a large one near 43rd and Juneau a couple weeks ago around 8 p.m. as I was driving home. I couldn’t get a photo but I’ve been telling all the neighbors that walk their dogs at night.I’ve included a sketch of the culprit.

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