West Seattleite Nick Brown takes office as state Attorney General

(Photo courtesy Joe McDermott)

In the center of that photo is West Seattleite Nick Brown, signing the oath of office as he begins work as state Attorney General. Brown, a Democrat, was elected in November with 56 percent of the vote, over Pete Serrano, a Republican. Brown previously served as U.S. Attorney for Western Washington and is a decorated U.S. Army veteran.

3 Replies to "West Seattleite Nick Brown takes office as state Attorney General"

  • WS Washingtonian January 15, 2025 (5:40 pm)

    I feel really good about my vote for Nick Brown! Thank you for your service to Washington and our country, Mr. Attorney General.

    • 1994 January 15, 2025 (9:40 pm)

      Agreed! Congrats to AG Brown!

  • KT January 16, 2025 (8:13 am)

    We stopped watching national news yhe day after the election.  We trust AG Brown to protect our liberties!

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