You got it, mightymo!
Sorry, MercyMoi. There might be a free juice outlet at Kathy’s too, but the one Kevin was thinking of is near Chase Bank on California.
Anyway, I guess there’s a bunch of these little guys around the Junction, so someone must be tryin’ to liberate MAD electricity, huh?
Whoever is doing this: I feel ya, man. Electric rates are going through the roof, but West Seattle is fighting back righteously, with free electric outlets for all.
You know, next time someone gives me a suggestion for SWIWS, I’m gonna have to check it out first, just to make sure it’s like, totally unique. Know what I’m sayin’? The other day, I was bragging up our Lady Liberty on Alki to some friends from back East, when they really busted my bubble.
“Oh, we’ve already got one of those,” they told me. “Only bigger.”
Lady Liberty on Alki Photo by “ankneyd”