Should you call the police?

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    There’s been a number of threads/posts regarding calling the police when you’re suspicious of something/someone. Here’s an example of who that person sleeping in a vehicle might be and what they’re up to:

    “On Officer Shawn Hayes’ Wednesday night shift, he stumbled across a person sleeping in their vehicle behind the Brittany Park Apartments. Being the highly trained DUI investigator he is, he believed this person to be under the influence. He began an investigate into a possible DUI/Physical Control violation. After taking a picture of the suspect passed out behind the wheel, Officer Hayes woke up the suspect. During the conversation, Officer Hayes noticed he was wearing gloves and was clutching onto a cell phone. Officer Hayes began to inquire if there was anyone else with him. The suspect began to tell Officer Hayes about a friend who he was waiting for. The friend was apparently over on Des Moines Memorial Drive (that is quite a few blocks away). Things were not adding up for Officer Hayes. When he returned to his patrol car to run the suspects (fake) name, the suspect started his vehicle and rammed the front of Officer Hayes’ patrol car. Officer Hayes, believing he had the suspect blocked in, began ordering the suspect to turn off his car and to give himself up. The suspect lunged his vehicle at Officer Hayes who had to maneuver himself out of the way of the vehicle to avoid being struck. The suspect was able to escape the parking lot. By the time Officer Hayes had gotten back into his vehicle and gave chase, the suspect was already turning onto S. Normandy Rd from 1st Ave S.

    Officer Hayes eventually located the vehicle in the area of S. 184th and 4th (not sure of the exact location). The suspect had fled on foot, but had dropped his backpack. After a track with a KCSO K-9 was unsuccessful; Officer Hayes began to investigate the vehicle and backpack. The vehicle came back as stolen and the backpack contained an ammunition magazine for a handgun and several “shaved” keys used to steal cars.

    When Officer Hayes came into work on Thursday night he discovered the suspects name and that they had a case against them in Kent. Officer Hayes met with Kent Detectives last night and they advised him his suspect was arrested Thursday morning. Officer Hayes was able to identify the suspect from the booking photo. It turns out KCSO had arrested the suspect in the same area, several hours later for auto theft. This is a very prolific auto theft suspect.

    I would like to commend Officer Hayes for his proactive patrol. This is definitely someone who needed to be taken off the streets. Our newest Reserve Officer, Kyle McBride was also out with Officer Hayes that night. It was certainly an eye opening experience for him. Luckily, not every night is like this in Normandy Park.”



    Something isn’t adding up here… First thing the officer should have done was run the vehicle plate, then woke the guy up. That way he could have saved himself a chase and ramming of his car by knowing that the guy was sleeping in a stolen vehicle. When he woke the guy up he could have taken immediate control of the situation based on the suspicious circumstances.




    there’s that, isn’t there…

    but we all do some kinda stupid things on occasion

    especially when we have no reason to assume anything more than a friendly chat is in order

    what bothers me more is the built in assumption that if someone is sleeping in a car in front of your house they are probably a felon of some kind and therefore you should call the police to report them for legally parking on your street and sleeping.

    i personally support helping our local churches create safe parking zones in their parking lots so everyone feels safer…. even those with no place to live other than their cars.



    JoB, I really like the safe parking zones. Do you know which churches are providing this or is it in the planning stages?



    TanDL, I’m not and haven’t ever been in law enforcement, so I’m not qualified to say what should/shouldn’t have been done. I think there are probably times when officers make on-the-spot decisions that may seem contrary to what us civilians think should’ve been done.

    This is posted on the FB page of the Chief of Police, Chris Gaddis. There may be updates later, but I know that a car thief is now in jail and for that a lot of us can feel a little better. Too bad there’s 100’s (?) of them still out there scheming to take our cars!



    Breezy.. i think they are in the planning stages..

    my understanding is that there will be a presentation on what you have to do and how they work at the next WIN meeting.. WIN is the interfaith network of West Seattle Churches.



    Thanks, JoB. We were actively involved in Interfaith Shelter in the SD area, opening our church to homeless 2 weeks a year, rotating with a number of other congregations. Very positive experience!



    You rawk, Breezy! :-)




    Maybe your church can check out the safe parking option…

    i think the WIN network is looking at the safe overnight parking option but there is also an option for limited car camping…

    if you email me at joanneatbraydendotorg i will be glad to connect you with the woman who keeps me informed.



    Mike, thanks :) but I was just part of a whole. Our church actually remodeled so we could take a more active role in the Interfaith Shelter program – added showers and a few other things.

    JoB, I’m ashamed to say we’ve been here a year now and still have no church home :( We knew we were going to move again, so we postponed the search, but we’re now in what I hope is our ‘forever or until I can’t use the facilities by myself’ home and we should get off our duffs and do it.




    i confess i have no church home by choice..

    i will still willinging connect you to the woman who can put you on the mailing list to stay informed.



    Thanks JoB. I’ll send you an email.


    “what bothers me more is the built in assumption that if someone is sleeping in a car in front of your house they are probably a felon of some kind and therefore you should call the police to report them for legally parking on your street and sleeping.”

    Spot on, JoB! I think as a society we constantly think “worst-first” and I’m always working against it.

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