School Earthquake Safety

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    Are our students safe in their public school buildings?

    The Nova Project High School isn’t technically a West Seattle School, but quite a few West Seattle students attend school there. There has been controversy about the move from the Mann building into a co-housing situation with SBOC at the Meany Middle School building. Be that as it may, this newly shared information about the seismic safety of the Meany building shines a new and different light on the subject. I just read a disturbing article in Real Change. Here’s a link, in case you haven’t picked up a Real Change this week.

    It’s not just the Meany site that appears to be unsafe. How does the district respond to this? So far with silence to the Nova parent quoted in the article.



    Thanks for the link.

    My gf’s oldest boy goes to Nova. I’ll ask him about this.



    So, it costs far less to retrofit the Mann building (less than $300k) than to retrofit Meany (multi-millions)…yet the school district is moving students from Mann to Meany?

    I had heard similar complaints about other Seattle schools a few months ago when the closures were being discussed…that the district was closing schools that just had tons of money invested into them.

    Is it the school superintendent that’s in charge of this type of spending and decision-making? I’m tired of paying property taxes when that money is being grossly mismanaged. It’s great to create construction jobs and all that, but this is ridiculous.

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