Rave – Seattle Police

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    As someone who waits to hear every day if his brother has come home safely or not from the work he does as a police officer, I just wanted to give a big thank you to our Seattle Police officers.

    I know they don’t always do exactly what we think they should do when we think they should do it… but I also know that I’m thankful they are out there doing their jobs. Further, I’m glad I don’t have that burden of responsibility on my shoulders that they carry all the time.

    The past few months, we’ve seen a rise in crimes and just general disturbing activities in our neighborhood. We all banded together as a group of neighbors and talked to any police officer that would allow us to bend their ear. As a result, we got some good information on how to be the most helpful to the officers and the dispatchers when calling in a crime or suspicious activities.

    Just a couple of months later, we are seeing a greater police presence in our neighborhood and fewer criminal types hanging around. Amazing what a few drive-bys in a police cruiser will do to make certain people go away.

    So, again, I wanted to say thank you to the Seattle Police officers for everything you do to protect us and for doing everything you can to make our neighborhoods a safer place to live.



    I would like to say Thank You to King County Police also. My brother is a 20 year veteran of KC and I thank God every day he came home safe. He is retired now due to medical issues but works for them as a civilian.



    it’s a small world..

    my brother is putting in his last few months in Portland. He chose to work with drugs and the SWAT team for most of his career… he is doing a street beat in the most dangerous part of town for his swan song… and still in SWAT:(

    Needless to say… every day he as gone to the work he loves has been difficult for me.

    He’s a republican. we argue like the big sister and little brother that we are. He is bull headed and as far as i am concerned… often wrong headed.

    But i know he does his job from his heart…

    it’s often a thankless job… yet it makes so much difference in our daily lives.

    we are all lucky to be in the good hands of our brothers…



    My brother is a republican also. I am a democrat so we never agree on politics. Matter of fact both of my brothers are republicans and my Mom always says what did she do wrong to have both of her boys become republicans when both she and my dad are democrats. :)



    my mom wondered what she did wrong to have her brightest.. and her firstborn kid turn out so stupid as to be a democrat:)

    she always said she figured it out and fixed it.. the other three are solid republicans:)



    Whether they are our physical brothers or not, these men and women do one hell of a job for us and often go either unthanked or are flat out abused by the general public.

    I’m not saying I know everything that is in the heart of every police officer, but I’m saying I have a perspective that gives me a great deal of respect for them. They put their lives on the line for us by going where we would not and should not go.

    Thank you again to the men and women of the Seattle Police Department and, more generally, the men and women of law enforcement.



    My rave in this category would be for the amazing information accessibility the Southwest Precinct (with approval from higher up the chain too) has given to us for WSB. As you may know, I worked in citywide media here for the better part of 17 years. You generally have to deal with the official media team downtown, and while they are very professional and thorough, it was nothing like this kind of information partnership, where I can call a lt. or sgt. or even detective and get the straight scoop to share with you. Because WSB is sort of the first site of its kind, this partnership is considered something of a pilot project, and could set the tone for other up-and-coming community news sites around the city to gain similar access if they seek it. (Somehow I suspect we were the first officially accredited media organization in the SPD media credential files with “BLOG” in the name …) Anyway, since it’s a rave thread, I wanted to throw that in. After we “went public” late last year, one of the first calls I made was to the precinct to see about gaining access to info … and the degree of helpfulness and pleasantness I encountered was truly startling (in a good way) … TR




    i hope i didn’t give the impression that i only appreciate the police force because my brother is one of them…

    i just know more about the reality of their job and understand more about their personal conviction because of his choice.



    I know that when I see a police officer I will stop and say Hi and when I am leaving I will say bye and be safe. I always tell all law enforcement to be safe. I never want to see a story about a police officer being killed in the line of duty.



    JoB – I didn’t think that at all. :)

    I understand what you are saying and agree with you totally.

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