Rant: off leash JRT in Ercolini Park

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    OK, another off leash dog post.

    I was just walking my dogs. As I turned off Alaska onto 48th southbound, so kitty corner from Ercolini Park, I saw somebody playing fetch in the middle of the park with her Jack Russell Terrier. The JRT spied us and charged out of the park and across Alaska, the owner calling in vain for the dog to stop. The dog could very easily have been hit by a car on Alaska; even in a residential area it is a residential arterial and gets a lot of morning traffic. The dog halted and turned around about 5 feet from us with my yelling and waving at him (let’s not go into what sort of body language and demeanor you are “supposed to use to prevent aggression.”) One of the dogs with me was my service dog, so either that JRT was going to stop or it was going to get kicked. Terriers are scrappy little dogs and will often initiate fights. I yelled at the woman “That’s why you are supposed to have your dog on a leash!” and she said sorry, gathered up her dog, and left. Just how sorry would she (and the driver) have been if somebody had hit the dog?



    The punting of the terrier

    Sounds like a fine drinking song.

    Is a funny image to think about, a small yappy dog being kicked and then flying over moving cars.



    I know I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again… this is exactly what long lines are for. Yes, they don’t fit the legal definition of a “leash”, but at least they prevent situations such as these. Even if the owner wasn’t holding the long line while they played, she would have been able to step on it to stop the dog’s forward progress into the street, and then reel the dog back to her side.



    The Ercolini Park is not a dog park. A friend of mine was ticketed up at the Genesee “park” for having her dog off leash and was told at the time that between that park and the Ercolini Park, there have been several tickets issued.

    And the thought of witnessing a dog hit by a car in front of me makes me sick. I’m sure the owner would never have forgiven herself.



    Yikes! I have two JRTs and would not let either one of them off leash, ever! If either of them saw a squirrel they’d be off. I am sorry that happened.



    i think some people just don’t get how dangerous having a dog off leash is… for their dog.



    …or other people’s dogs. Sometimes dogs are more defensive when they’re on-leash, because they know they can’t run away. When somebody’s off-leash dog comes charging up to them, an otherwise well-behaved on-leash dog may feel threatened and feel compelled to defend itself. Is it my fault if your dog is off leash and my dog bites it when she thinks she’s being attacked?

    Hey, off-leash people, obey the rules! The park is for everybody, not just you and your dog.



    JRT? You mean the little yappy prey toy?

    I second the long line approach. A nice nylon 40-footer is very effective, although you need to learn how to manage the slack (not tripping over it, keeping it from tying itself in knots, etc.).

    Long leads may not meet the legal definition but at least you’re able to physically control how far your dog can go.



    I’m picturing little kids peeing on off-leash dogs at this park now….complete mayhem! :)



    RainyDay1235: With the lack of restroom there, and the number of times I’ve been approached by parents, asking if I know of one nearby, this isn’t too far-fetched. ;)



    I’ve been chased by dogs while jogging. I just keep jogging and they keep following – often for many blocks – owner yelling “stop” by my music is too loud (that’s a lie).

    Funny thing is, I’ve never been chased by the same dog twice. Either the owner learned their lesson, or the dog was pancaked.

    Use your leashes people.



    A couple of years ago my husband was walking our dogs on 49th. On the other side of the street a guy came along, little dog off leash, leash swinging in his hand. The dog darted across 49th to get to our dogs and got hit and killed. A couple of months later my husband saw the same guy, new dog, dog off leash and leash swinging from his hand. Some people ought not to own dogs.

    I’m leaving in a minute to drive 45 minutes to a dog ranch with a 10 acre off leash field. It’s also possible to drive to Fall City to a place with over 100 acres of safe fields, rent a field for a couple of hours, and get all the safe exercise you want for your dog. Can’t do either of these on a daily basis, but I manage to do it at least once and sometimes twice a week. Otherwise it’s on leash walks for us.



    LBD, I would love to get more info about these parks. I currently head out to Sequim for off-leash time, and these sound a bit closer. :) Could you please PM me or use the email link on my website (linked from my name)? Thanks!

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