QFC Theft policy.

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    Tuesday afternoon I watched a young black man stuff 2 large ground round meat packages in his backpack in the middle isle of store. I walked up to front of store and alerted the woman at the self checkout that this man was stealing products in his backpack as he passed and went out the exit door of store. She said “OK”. I guess that’s become the policy at most stores. I pay for my purchases while anyone who doesn’t feel like it can just walk out without any consequences. I suspect QFT will probably consider closing that location due to theft and those that pay will have to travel elsewhere. What a world.



    I believe most QFC’s have security at the front door. If that store did I would think that would be who to talk to. You can’t expect a checker to risk their personal safety for a few packs of meat.



    I worked retail for many years. In order to arrest someone for shoplifting the same store employee must witness all of the following:
    The selection of the merchandise
    The concealment of the merchandise
    The shoplifters exit from the premises having kept the shoplifter in sight at all times. (They often ditch the merchandise if they know they are being watched.)

    Conviction is unlikely without all of the above criteria having been met.



    Correction Tonica… There are likely to be no charges filed. At all. Ever.

    Without charges – there can be no conviction.

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by 937.


    How does including that the thief was black pertain to the point? If you were trying to describe his appearance to be able to identify him, then you’d have estimated height/weight, what he was wearing, etc. When I hear or read a of someone describing a person like this, it is usually an old white person. Just sayin



    I was at the Roxbury Safeway a few months back and saw a man in the meat dept put a few packages of meat into his cart then a couple mins later I see him in an aisle walking away from an empty cart and a plastic bag full assumably with the meat. I make the corner of the aisle and see him heading for an empty no checker lane he sees me watching him so he acts like he’s going to another lane but heads out the door. :( I then see the manager and say “I know its too late but…” he asks me these questions because he said he lets corporate know so it can be told to loss prevention insurance and that it is always good to know what the person(s) looked like so they can keep an eye out for them again.
    Approx. age
    Approx. time
    Items stolen
    How long ago

    So “CAP” in this instance I can see why you feel what the OP describes is quote un-quote “an old white person” but in some instances it is needed. Least the OP didn’t use the word “colored” UGH!!!
    This from an old Japanese-American person :)



    I did see QFC security person as I entered store, but only that time. I reported the thief to nearest employee who happen to be a young woman.



    Witnessing a robbery that is reported without any action taken doesn’t require a full description of the thief. Partial description being young and black, not old and white, doesn’t seem inappropriate. I would have said the same about a older white female had circumstances required it. Mentioning the color of skin shouldn’t raise the hair on your neck. You obviously see white older people as the issue not the thief. Sorry if you missed the point of no action by store employee. Saying “OK” did raise the hair on the back of my neck.

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