PLANT SALE (OUTDOOR) MAY 7, 10:00-5:00

Home Forums Freebies, Sales, Trades PLANT SALE (OUTDOOR) MAY 7, 10:00-5:00

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  • #598831



    basil,arugula, peas, japanese maples, contorted filberts,bamboo 5 varieties, astilbes, arisaemas, hostas, ferns, annuals, and more.

    Located 7319 19th ave. SW 98106

    From Delridge take 21st st. sw (East)

    on hairpin turn, stop and head left onto Webster

    Top of hill, left onto 19th sw, 2/3 down this

    dead end block on your left.



    do you have any of the pineapple tomatillos? those were incredible last year.


    Have your tomatoes and cucumbers been hardened off? I recently got some that were not. Need to try again.



    Sorry for late response,computer problems.

    The pineapple tomatillos not quite ready will keep you informed.

    All my starts are grown in an unheated greenhouse then put outdoors; they have been outdoors for 3 weeks now,which is why my plants(tomatoes are not as dark green as those coming out of the nurseries.

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