Occupy Seattle!

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    We have seen a unsustainable fantasy world emerge from our political and economic climate so fundamentally void of practicality and humanity, that it blindly supports the blatantly ludicrous.

    Only in the grand land of make believe would a corporation evolve into a person and be granted all the rights and privileges enjoyed by those of us who actually live and breathe and work and love.

    Only in that fictitious kingdom does a faceless monster actually win popular support to haphazardly rape the land of its natural resources for its own naughty merriment with no restriction or punishment.

    Only in their dreams, do the men and women whose corrupt practices have forced Americans from their homes, from their jobs, and from their security, get rewarded for their greed and deception with exorbitant bonuses and government subsidies.

    Only by pretending, can we say that this system is just or American. Only by ignorance can we continue to walk this path.

    Thank you to all those out there speaking up.




    “let’s gather ourselves up by our bootstraps, band together, take to the streets and fix our democracy. “



    I humbly apologize if i lumped you too readily into the tea bagging women hating union busting naysayers


    “Only by pretending, can we say that this system is just or American. Only by ignorance can we continue to walk this path.”

    well put.

    when the emperor has no clothes

    he is naked

    Our nation is naked

    it’s time to put the robes of justice back on



    What the h*** is wrong with you kootch? I’m hot, progressive and I shave my armpits. I’m not jealous of anyone, let alone her soulless shell.



    Oh JoB … you missed the Ms, Snarky comment… slamming a woman of merit and achievment for her wealth, her family, and her job. … I commented snarkily too…. twas a tit for tat… trying to tarnish a woman for her fathers occupation? Where is the gender simpatico, the mutual support of sisters on the way up? They break the glass ceiling… but they are tarred and feathered if they are not liberal enough? What sterotype of a woman passes the litmus test? I merely defended her honor… by out snarking. Did ya read this one too? This is a woman of achievment, education by any standard… ‘Barbie Doll”… look to how you women talk about other women !!!


    I’d like to point out that Erin Burnett, a talking Barbie doll on CNN, is the daughter of a corporate lawyer, and used be VP at Citibank. She is engaged to the president of Citibank. How is she a “journalist”????




    i may have missed the comment.

    But i still draw a distinction between women of accomplishment

    and the figureheads that now pass for feminists.

    i will go back and look.

    LOL Kootch…

    is this the snark that provoked that tirade?

    “I’d like to point out that Erin Burnett, a talking Barbie doll on CNN, is the daughter of a corporate lawyer, and used be VP at Citibank. She is engaged to the president of Citibank. How is she a “journalist”???? “

    except for the Barbie Doll comment…

    which while it may be snarky is in my opinion a fairly accurate fashion assessment of Erin Burnett…

    this is a question of competence.

    Does wealth, family connections, prior employment or current relationship status confer competence?


    i agree on this call.

    only in the Bollywood American News Broadcasting has become do any of those attributes confer journalistic credentials :(

    Not being a great proponent of artificial creations.. i prefer looking and listening to investigative reporters like Amy and Rachel.

    though.. i can see why you would prefer watching her to say… Amy Goodwin or Rachel Maddow.

    This preference does help explain where you get some of your talking points…

    Barbie doll broadcasters are seldom allowed to do more than repeat the wise words of their esteemed male colleagues



    Yea and when you do… my comment was… envy? Like Ms. Snarky should be so accomplished…

    This is everything I could hope for my daughter…. on the shoulders of women who saw liberations as opportunity and choices. At least Ms Snarky..she had the moxie to get into the palace, take a look, and decide if that is where her professional and personal choices were. Not a bad resume and certainly WELL QAULIFIED !!





    only little girls playing with their dolls aspire to be a Barbie Talking head.

    when we grow up we learn to distinguish between accomplishment and playacting and quickly prefer accomplishment.

    i am terribly sorry if this is all you aspire to for your daughter. I don’t know her and I aspire to much more for her.

    and yes, i did follow the wiki link…

    even though she has been in broadcasting for a while.. mostly, she has chosen to favor the “entertainment” side of the business over the investigative.

    it’s too bad.

    women can be so much more than entertaining and easy on the eyes …



    Do you read? She is a graduate of Williams College, a degreed economist, inside knowledge of Wall Street, Executive level achievments, … Ms, Snarky called her a Barbie Doll… If my daughter wants to follow a similar path… go for it sister…Williams College and VP of Goldman Sachs… before becoming a national news financial analyst? Other than curing all diseases and world hunger… that is some high aspirations..




    yes, i read.

    I have also watched/listened to Erin Burnett

    if she is as accomplished as her credentials would indicate

    i am truly sorry that she chooses to sell herself so short



    ok.. this is what being disabled will get you

    the car is brake handicapped

    my mechanic is out sick

    and i can’t walk far enough to amuse myself

    however, it is obviously a mental handicap that makes me think i have nothing better to do with my time :(

    i would utter the quintessential movie star idol one time governor of California whose name i can’t remember departing line…

    but i can’t figure out how to spell it.


    reality tv here i come ;->



    When she investigates, that’s fine. When she doesn’t, it’s a travesty she should be ashamed of.

    I love Amy Goodman and Rachel (who would be better if she wasn’t confined by msnbc) Maddow. Where does envy come into this equation? A man’s imagination, of course.



    Oh, and the “barbie doll” comment was lifted from a…wait for it…a man!



    And…see how this topic (which was so important at the get go) was drowned out by the noise of other serious information sharing…

    Sometimes…this forum has the attention span of…

    What was I talking about again…

    Oh ya…um….



    It will be the same thing out there…on the streets…a lot of people will be standing around…

    Um..what were we out here for?…

    Um…like…I think I have a class to go to…or…um…a shower to take…I’m gonna go now…ok…um…see ya…wasn’t fun…

    Those who live on the streets already know this…



    I’m hot, progressive and I shave my armpits.

    Wow. Leave your computer for a second and see what happens? I must’ve missed something; did a cat walk on someone’s keyboard?

    Well, never mind. I’ll just go with the flow on this one.

    Um, so syd . . .

    What are you wearing now?



    Ha ha! A big grin! 8^D



    i took a nap…

    better than soaking my head ;->

    syd.. love that grin

    it’s a D, isn’t it:)



    kootch said:

    Oh yea.. all that business experience Obama had… none?

    precisely why i voted for the man. this country has had its fill of business men in government, and not one of them has done a damned thing for us.

    they’ve done plenty to us…



    Well, we have the score card. Back to the drawing boards.



    It’s great to see our Mayor joining the rising chorus of Occupation:




    Thanks, Yardvark. Extraordinary times indeed when the Mayor himself comes out in support of an action to take over City property.

    From the Mayor’s statement:

    These are extraordinary times. We have seen the Occupy Wall Street movement take off in cities across the country, and there’s a reason for it. There is real anger about the unprecedented concentration of wealth and power in this country and the inequality it has produced. I share the values and the message of the Occupy Wall Street movement. We want to provide the opportunity for the people of Seattle to express their views. And we are.

    He’s a lame duck, though, so he’s got nothing to lose. Still, with Labor and local government now coming out in support of this, I’m wondering just how far it might go.




    He’s hardly a lame duck if all these kids and others sympathizers come out strongly to back him.

    Now that he’s supporting Occupy actions outside City Hall, it’s time for him to start vocally supporting them inside the beast as well. Either that or DBP is right, his days are numbered.



    The movement must now attend to a couple of pressing issues if it’s going to keep up steam.

    It must define WHO it represents and HOW it represents them.

    We know it’s a coalition of some kind, and that it has a lot of potential strength, since there are so many disaffected people out there. But that doesn’t necessarily translate into political power. The movement needs good democratic leadership and that leadership has to connect with ordinary Americans, the so-called 99%.

    It needs to have a clear list of demands and it has to explain how those demands can be met without radically altering the American “way of life.”

    Don’t like big banks? OK. So how are you going to change things? By changing the tax structure? Changing rules for incorporation? Whatever changes you make, will they pass Constitutional muster?

    In short, the movement needs more focus.

    Anyway, below is a list of ITEMS NEEDED that was passed to me a couple of days ago by a friend in the Seattle Solidarity (SEA-SOL) group. If you go down there to pay them a visit, you might want to take one or more of these items along with you . . . just to give yourself some “street cred.”

    warm and non-perishable food


    tooth brushes






    blank signs


    cash for the general fund


    people to occupy

    medical supplies

    toilet paper






    Baby wipes

    Hand sanitizer





    Small business is human, necessary, wonderful, all that. Big business has too much power since it sends us to war and colludes to squeeze all the juice from us.





    a quote from a commenter on Yardvark’s link to Mayor McGinn..

    “Yes, sometimes our democracy is inconvenient. Thank goodness for that, sometimes we need to be inconvenienced in order to move forward in a positive manner”

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